Grants and Benefits New User Overview

Intended for:

ONE Data Officers who will be responsible for using the Grants and Benefits module to record applications for Free School Meals or Clothing Grants.

Session length: 2 – 3 hours


The Grants and Benefits module is used to record and manage claims made by parents for students to receive either a Free School Meal or a Clothing Grant.

This WebEx is to train ONE Data Officers on how to record this information within the module and the processes involved.

What will be included:

  • Overview of the module – searching and navigation around the menus/screens. Configuration of the module in the administration area.
  • Applications via the Student – how to add an application using the student and adding the carer as part of the application.
  • Applications via the Parent – how to add an application using the parent adding the student as part of the application.
  • Adding Siblings to an Application – how to add siblings to create the applications all at the same time.
  • Adding/Editing Student and Parent/Carer information – how to update information relating to the student or carer within the application.
  • Eligibility Checking Service – how to check an applicant is eligible using the built in ECS validation linked to the DWP (If the LA has this set up in the Grants and Benefits module) and how to view the history of this check. (NB there is a separate WebEx session covering how to run the ECS for batch validation for all claims.)
  • How to produce Letters to send to the Parent – using linked reports to create the letters to send to the parents at the end of the application.
  • Informing Schools of the New Applications – look at the different ways in which this information can be sent to the schools.
  • Batch Processing feature – how this can be used to identify multiple applications to apply different processes.
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