Scheduled Tasks for Attainment Data

Intended for:

ONE IT Support who currently support the Data Officers who use the B2B: Student module in ONE

Data Officers who currently use the B2B: Student module to import data into ONE

Attainment Officers who currently use the PULSE module and manually import the statutory assessment information in ONE

Session length: 2 – 3 hours


B2B Attainment included in the 3.59 release of Capita One will allow a local authority (LA) to create scheduled tasks to collect attainment data where the school and LA share the same Aspect definitions. To make the creation of schedules as easy as possible they will work by selecting an Aspect Hierarchy.  Aspect Hierarchies are collections of Aspects defined by the LA, these are commonly arranged by Key Stage or Subject

This WebEx will introduce LA’s to the new functionality and help them to understand where it can be used effectively for attainment data collection directly from schools.

What will be included:

  • Prerequisites – Outline of the prerequisites required and the configuration of the ONE system prior to using the B2B Attainment tasks feature
  • Transferring Non-Standard data from SIMS to ONE – An overview of how non-standard data can be imported through B2B Attainment – creating Gradesets/Aspects/Aspect Hierarchies/Exporting to SIMS
  • Transferring Statutory Data via a Scheduled Task – An overview of how statutory data can be imported through B2B Attainment – creating Aspect Hierarchies using AMPARK aspects.
  • Creating the B2B Attainment task – How to create the task to import the data automatically into the Pulse module.
  • Using Results Organiser to view the results in v4 Client from both transfers of Statutory and Non-Standard data transfers.
  • Q&A – Time to ask the consultant queries specific to your Local Authority
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