Early Years – Authorised Payments to Providers can be Split into Monthly Payments (3.77)
Local Authorities are now able to pay providers monthly without the need to generate a new task each time.
New functionality has been created to split authorised payments into non- editable equal amounts that total the authorised payment. Once split, the action cannot be undone.
Where the amount cannot breakdown equally, the final payment is adjusted accordingly.
For example:
£100 cannot be split equally into 3 amounts. It is split like this: £33.33, £33.33, £33.34
Focus > Early Years > Authorised Payment > Search and select a payment.
Select provider(s) using the checkboxes. Multiple providers can be selected. This enables the Number of Split Payments field on the Split Payments panel.
Select the number of split payments (between 2 and 6) then select payment dates as required and click Split. Payments are split accordingly and displayed in the Generated Split Payment panel. The action is not reversible.