Attendance – New multiple character codes introduced by DfE (3.83)


The latest list of codes issued by the DfE contains both single and multiple character codes and needs to be used by schools and LAs from 19th August 2024.

To support this change, an additional column has been added to the database tables and the new codes now display in the following areas:

  • Transport
  • v4 Smart Client – View Student Details
  • v4 OEC Client
    • Student Details (various areas)
    • Attendance Code Definitions
    • Attendance Aggregation Routine
  • Crystal Reports
< O A Absent with leave for the purpose of participating in a regulated performance C1
> O A Absent with leave, of compulsory school age and temporary reduced timetable does not require them to attend C2
? O A Absent with leave for the purpose of attending an interview for employment or for admission to another educational institution J1
K O E Attending a place, other than the school or another school at which they are a registered pupil, for educational provision arranged by LA
Q O R Unable to attend because of lack of access arrangements by LA to facilitate their attendance
$ O R Unable to attend because school is not within walking distance of pupil’s home and transport to and from school normally provided is not available Y1
a O R Unable to attend due to widespread disruption to travel caused by a local, national, or international emergency Y2
% O R Part of the school premises is unavoidably out of use and pupil cannot be accommodated in parts of the premises that remain in use Y3
` O R Whole school closed when school was due to meet for a session, but session has been cancelled Y4
: O R Unable to attend because pupil is subject to a sentence of detention Y5
| O R Travel to or attendance at school would be contrary/prohibited by guidance/law relating to incidence or transmission of infection or disease Y6
_ O R Unable to attend because of any other unavoidable cause Y7

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