
Contents Below is a summary of what is in this release. Click the KB number to go to the full details of the Knowledge Base article on the Capita Software Support Portal (you will need to be registered to access these details).  If the KB was originally created in My Account the number is in brackets. KB-481846 A&TP Incorrect preference […]

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A&T School Admission Portal – Schools can now download the ATF File from the School Admissions Portal (3.70)

Description Schools can now download the ATF File from the local authority on the landing page of School Admissions Portal. Provider Portal | School Admissions   Configuration To enable the ATF Download functionality the following Permission and System Defaults will need to be set as shown in the graphics below: New Permissions: School Adminissions – Download ATF Files v4 Client| […]

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Citizen Portal – Validations on My Account (3.69)

Description Validations on My Account in all Citizen Portal modules. Validation checks have been implemented to improve data quality when Forename or Gender are changed on My Account Details pages. Documents Updated One Early Years – 30 Hour Entitlement Citizen Portal Handbook Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Citizen Portal Handbook Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook School Places Citizen […]

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Citizen Portal – ‘White spaces’ in Name fields (3.69)

Description ‘White-spaces’ trimmed from Name fields in all Citizen Portal modules. Any ‘white-spaces’ have been trimmed from Name fields when Citizens submit forms e.g. “ian” and “Ian “. This will prevent conflicts when matching data. Documents Updated One Early Years –  30 Hour Entitlement Citizen Portal Handbook Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Citizen Portal Handbook Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook […]

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