Early Years – Headcount and Better Start Permissions (3.68)

Description Users with Headcount Site Administrator or Better Start Administrator permission but not General Site Administrator will no longer see the Administration menu by default. v4 Client |Tools | Permissions | User Group Processes The General Site Administrator permission will need to be assigned for Users to have access to the Administration menu on the Portal. Document Updated Better Start Assessment […]

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Early Years – Validation on Carer Date of Birth (3.68)

Description A validation check has been introduced on Carers Date of Birth to prevent a Carer from being added that is under 16 e.g. too young to have a National Insurance Number. The message displayed is as follow : ‘The age must be 16 or over, please change the Date of Birth ‘ Click image to enlarge. Use browser back […]

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Early Years – TYOF Provider User Permission have been replaced (3.68)

Description Two new permissions are available for use, that can restrict Providers access to either Assisted Applications and Manage Placement The TYOF Provider User permission have been replaced by the two new permissions below: TYOF Assisted Applications TYOF Provider – Manage Placement Location: Tools | Permissions| User Group Processes Document Updated Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Provider Portal

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Early Years – Publish to FID (3.68)

Description The Publish to FID field can now be selected irrespective if OFSTED Consent Withheld selected or not. This means records will still be Published to Family Information Directory (FID) irrespective of selection made. Focus | Early Years | Service Provision Document Updated Managing Early Years Provider

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Portal Back Office – Carer’s Details submitted via the Portal now use B2B DPR (3.69)

Description   Carers details submitted via the portal can now be configured in B2B Data Processing Rule by selecting what carer attributes should be processed during the matching process in Portal BackOffice. Carers attributes that can be selected for conflict during the ‘Matching with Conflict’ process are shown in the graphic below. Document Updated Portal Back Office Handbook   Area: Data […]

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Citizen Portal – Validations on My Account (3.69)

Description Validations on My Account in all Citizen Portal modules. Validation checks have been implemented to improve data quality when Forename or Gender are changed on My Account Details pages. Documents Updated One Early Years – 30 Hour Entitlement Citizen Portal Handbook Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Citizen Portal Handbook Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook School Places Citizen […]

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Citizen Portal – ‘White spaces’ in Name fields (3.69)

Description ‘White-spaces’ trimmed from Name fields in all Citizen Portal modules. Any ‘white-spaces’ have been trimmed from Name fields when Citizens submit forms e.g. “ian” and “Ian “. This will prevent conflicts when matching data. Documents Updated One Early Years –  30 Hour Entitlement Citizen Portal Handbook Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Citizen Portal Handbook Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook […]

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