B2B – Wonde imports show the school MIS as the supplier in the file (3.83)

Description All files generated by Wonde show the Supplier as API which causes problems for LAs trying to debug the data, as well as causing attendance tasks to create new attendance strings when schools first onboard. An improvement has been made so that the <SupplierID> tag shows the actual supplier: Arbor Bromcom Integris iSAMS PupilAsset ScholarPack SIMS SchoolPod

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B2B – Import Student Exclusion Category and Exclusion Reasons details (3.83)

Description To allow import of multiple exclusions, if the incoming CBDS value for Exclusion Category and Exclusion Reason is a code OR a description it is mapped to the One system CBDS codes as follows: B2B XML file <Category> tag CBDS Exclusion Category (N00026) or if not present type_code B2B XML file <Reason> tag CBDS Exclusion Reason (N00685) or if […]

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Attendance – New multiple character codes introduced by DfE (3.83)

Description The latest list of codes issued by the DfE contains both single and multiple character codes and needs to be used by schools and LAs from 19th August 2024. To support this change, an additional column has been added to the database tables and the new codes now display in the following areas: Transport v4 Smart Client – View […]

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B2B – Delete existing inactive scheduled tasks (3.82)

Description It is now possible to delete scheduled tasks that are no longer needed, to maintain accurate information. In Permissions | User Group Processes | B2BS LA Data Processing set LA Scheduled Tasks to Read-Write-Delete to activate the Delete option on Inactive tasks.   Helpfile updated Setting Up Permissions

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