B2B Student / B2B Open – Enable student/carer matching based on GUID (3.73)

Description A new true/false parameter has been added in the System Administration | System Defaults area called GUIDMATCH. This is set to True by default. The setting allows incoming student / carer records to be matched by GUID where one exists in the import file. A new tag value called <GUID> has been added to the <SuppInfo> and <Contacts> containers […]

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B2B Student – Changes have been made to the Rejections Reports to resolve a number of issues (3.73)

Description The following updates have been applied to the B2B Rejections Reports: The Rejections Report no longer displays auto rejections when only conflict rejections have been selected Address conflicts now display a UPRN where one exists (students only) SEND Start & End dates display correctly (all locales) Headings and logos have been updated in line with current formats Conflict rejections […]

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