Early Years – Thirty Hours entitlement can now be extended (3.72)

Description v4 Client | Focus | Student | Panel 33 – 30 Hour Entitlement Checks In v4 Client, Eligible From and To dates fields in the 30 Hour Entitlement Checks panel are now editable fields. The Provider can now enter the required dates to extend the entitlement. The Eligibility fields in the locations below are updated with the amended dates: v4 […]

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Provider Portal – New field ‘Review Submission’ added in Self Update – General Configuration (3.72)

Description Provider Portal | Self-Update Admin | Configuration Review Submission is a new field added in Self Update – General Configuration. This field allows Local Authorities to choose if a Provider submission should be automatically accepted without requiring their approval. Review Additional Information Submissions and Review Early Years Census Submissions now depends on Review Submission. They can only be used […]

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Citizen Portal – FSM Ineligible Applications details can be submitted to Portal Back Office (3.72)

Description v4 Online |Citizen Portal Admin | Administration | Grants & Benefits Mapping | FSM Settings New column Submit details to Portal Back Office has been added in FSM Settings. This allows Local Authorities to choose if the details of a child/carer should be submitted to Portal Back Office or not for matching when FSM application is ineligible. Documents Updated Free School […]

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Provider Portal – Run A New Check updated with new features (3.72)

Description Provider Portal | 30 Hours Free Childcare | Run A New Check The changes made to Run a New Check are: ‘Find a child’ search box has been removed. The Provider drop down list now permanently resides above the search fields. A tooltip appears when a child’s name is highlighted. The message displayed is: ‘Click to copy details into […]

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Provider Portal – DAF – New check box ‘Show Eligible Children’ added to DAF Application screen (3.72)

Description Provider Portal | Disability Access Fund | Disability Access Funding Application A new check box ‘Show Eligible Children’ has been added to the DAF Application screen. The check box is ticked by default to display a list of eligible children for the selected Provider when the screen is accessed. To display a list of ineligible children, remove the tick […]

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