System – Linked Documents now open automatically and the directory path no longer needs to be manually added. (3.75)

Description When managing Linked Documents in v4 online, the Linked File Details popup automatically adds the Directory Path when selecting a file. This means the user no longer needs to populate this field manually with the location of the file. Additionally, documents now open automatically when the user selects Open File and clicks OK, regardless of whether a document is […]

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System – Lookup Table_ID 1066 ‘Reason Looked After Episode Ceased’

Description A new lookup code has been added to Table_ID 1066 Reason Looked After Episode Ceased: E17 – Aged 18 (or over) and remained with current carers (included under staying put arrangements) LAs will need to create an Internal code mapping to this new External code for it to be available to users. If you are not upgrading to 3.71, […]

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System Administration – Multiple gazetteer files can be be selected for processing which removes the need to import each file manually (3.74)

Description Multiple gazetteer files can now be selected for processing rather than selecting and processing files individually. The following rules apply when selecting multiple files for processing: A combination of AddressBase Premium FULL, COU and LLPG FULL and COU files are not permitted when processing multiple files Files cannot be imported if there are duplicate or missing volumes The number […]

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B2B Student / B2B Open – Enable student/carer matching based on GUID (3.73)

Description A new true/false parameter has been added in the System Administration | System Defaults area called GUIDMATCH. This is set to True by default. The setting allows incoming student / carer records to be matched by GUID where one exists in the import file. A new tag value called <GUID> has been added to the <SuppInfo> and <Contacts> containers […]

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