Portals/v4 Client/Statutory England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.81)

Description v4 Client Unknown (U) is available in the Sex/Gender dropdown in all the screens where this field is available for Person/Student. Portals Gender renamed to Sex (Citizen Portal only). Gender, Gender Identity and Gender Identity Description are imported from Citizen Portal to One Education Client/v4 Client as appropriate. This includes sibling gender. Statutory exports ATF v20 Student/Parent/Carer Gender values […]

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Person\Student Search and Flags ICS content change

Description When searching for a Student or Person if the individual had an Open ICS case a value of ‘O’ would be displayed within the ‘Flags’ column and for a closed case ‘C’. As the ICS module is no longer used this business logic has been removed.  This ensures information displayed to end users is accurate and does not cause […]

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A&T School Admission Portal – Schools can now download the ATF File from the School Admissions Portal (3.70)

Description Schools can now download the ATF File from the local authority on the landing page of School Admissions Portal. Provider Portal | School Admissions   Configuration To enable the ATF Download functionality the following Permission and System Defaults will need to be set as shown in the graphics below: New Permissions: School Adminissions – Download ATF Files v4 Client| […]

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Early Years – TYOF Provider User Permission have been replaced (3.68)

Description Two new permissions are available for use, that can restrict Providers access to either Assisted Applications and Manage Placement The TYOF Provider User permission have been replaced by the two new permissions below: TYOF Assisted Applications TYOF Provider – Manage Placement Location: Tools | Permissions| User Group Processes Document Updated Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Provider Portal

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Early Years – Publish to FID (3.68)

Description The Publish to FID field can now be selected irrespective if OFSTED Consent Withheld selected or not. This means records will still be Published to Family Information Directory (FID) irrespective of selection made. Focus | Early Years | Service Provision Document Updated Managing Early Years Provider

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