Coordinating Local Authorities

This page enables you to select the list of Local Authorities (LAs) with which your Local Authority may have an agreement on the resolution and allocation of school places.

More information on Coordinating Local AuthoritiesMore information on Coordinating Local Authorities

This page enables you to select the list of Local Authorities (LAs) with which your Local Authority may have an agreement on the resolution and allocation of school places. The Coordinating Local Authorities tab (Normal Phased and In Year) also enables you to run the Final Allocation process to resolve multiple offers for Home and other Coordinating Local Authorities.

If no coordinating LAs have yet been chosen, click Add Coordinating LAs to display a searchable list of all Local Authorities. Select the check boxes for the Local Authority names you wish to add.

Any coordinating LAs that have already been chosen are listed on the tab. You can add or delete LAs by clicking Edit. LAs already selected are listed first, followed by all the available LAs. The two sets of names are separated by a brown line so you can easily tell them apart.

If you then click Show Available First, all LAs that have not yet been selected are listed first. Click Show Coordinating LAs First to re-order the list again.

Select or deselect the check boxes for the LA names you need to add to or delete from the list.

  1. Select a transfer group.
  2. Select the Coordinating LAs tab to display a list of the coordinating LAs for the transfer group.
  3. Choose one of the following:
    • Click the Add Coordinating LAs hyperlink if no coordinating LAs have been selected yet.
    • Click the Edit hyperlink to display a selectable list of LAs.
  4. Search for and select LAs as required.
  5. If necessary, repeat the process to add more coordinating LAs.