Add Receivers

The Receivers section of Sub Group Details indicates the number of receivers already chosen, if any.

More information on Sub Groups

  1. Select a transfer group.
  2. Open the Sub Groups tab to display a list of the sub groups within the selected transfer group.
  3. Click the View Details hyperlink for the sub group you wish to add receivers to.
  4. Open the Receivers section.
  5. Click the Edit hyperlink to view search fields relating to receiver details.
  6. Search for and select receivers as required.
    Any receivers that have already been selected for this sub group are listed first with their check boxes selected, followed by the other available receivers. The two sets of receivers are separated by a thick brown line.
  7. Select or deselect the check boxes to add or remove receivers from the transfer group.

If necessary, you can repeat the process using different search criteria to add more receivers to the transfer group.

A receiver can only be associated with one sub group for each transfer group.