Application Preferences

Application preferences can be recorded in the following ways:

  • Manual entry (via Students | Applications | Application Details).
  • An applicant records a preference in A&T Online Public Access. The data from the preference is subsequently imported into the main One database via the Process area.
  • An application is recorded in One Online via My Schools | Admissions and Transfers | Preference Form.
  • An ADT file containing application information sent by other Local Authorities is imported.

Each of these methods causes an application reference to be generated.

Under normal circumstances applicant preferences have single-digit preference rank numbers (usually no more than 6).

Application preferences are managed via the Preferences section of the Students | Applications | Application Details tab.

For each listed preference, One displays the following:

  • number of Siblings the student has at the base
  • a Late indicator
  • the Distance from the student’s address to the school

The Offer Status column might contain a flag assigned during processing, if applicable. If processing has not yet been carried out, then no offer status is displayed.

The Preference also indicates whether or not the Appeals check box has been selected for a particular preference.

Inactive Preferences

In year application preferences can be made inactive. Inactive preferences are moved from the Choices table and can still be reported on, but are not included in the Make Offers process.

Making preferences inactive enables you to make a place offer while still maintaining a waiting list. If an applicant wants to stay on the waiting list for their first preference even though they have been offered a place at another school, you can make the offered school inactive. The school from the inactive preference is not included in the Make Offers process, but can still be reported on. The first preference remains active and is considered in the next Make Offers process.

Inactive preferences cannot be re-activated. However, the same school can be added in again as a preference if needed.