Matched with conflicts

If there are data conflicts within an incoming application, either for a student, their sibling or the applicant, the student’s name is displayed in the Matched with Conflicts tab. If you click a name in the list of matched students, the Manage Data Conflicts screen for that student is displayed. The Manage Data Conflicts screen displays three tabs: Student Address, Applicant Address and Sibling Address.

More information on Matched with Conflicts

Resolve Incoming Student Address Conflicts

  1. Select Process | Incoming Students | Matched with Conflicts to display the Matched with Conflicts tab.
  2. Select a transfer group from the left-hand panel to view a list of all incoming students in that transfer group that have been matched with conflicts.

    If required, you can use the View Application hyperlinks to view a printable summary of the online application details, including a submission history showing the date and the Status of Application of each change.

  3. Click the name of a student to view the Manage Data Conflicts screen.
    This screen has three tabs: Student Address, Applicant Address and Sibling Address. Address tabs with conflicts are highlighted in red with the number of conflicting items in brackets.

  4. Select the tab that you wish to resolve conflicts for to display the Conflicting Items screen.
  5. To accept the incoming address:
    1. Select the Accept check box to display the Address Manager dialog.
    2. Use the Address Manager dialog to either:
      • Add the incoming address as a new address. The Address Manager dialog closes after the address has been added.
      • Select the address from One's list of existing addresses.
  6. To discard the incoming address, select the Discard check box.
  7. Click the Apply button.
  8. Click the Continue button to save your changes.