Process Incoming Students

Applications made via Admissions Online must be imported into A&T Back Office so that they can be validated and processed. Once imported, applications are displayed in the Process | Incoming Students tab. When importing online applications, One first attempts to match as many of the incoming students with existing students as possible. Any students that cannot be matchedmatched must be dealt with manually.

One matches students based on details provided by the applicant. If the applicant provides a UID then One checks for matching UIDs in the database. If a matching UID is found then the incoming student is matched to that student record. 

If the applicant did not provide a UID, then One analyses the student's forename, surname, date of birth and gender in an attempt to make a match. If all four of these student identifiers match to an existing student then One matches the incoming and existing students.

After this matching process has taken place, One assigns one of three statuses to each incoming student:

  • Automatched
    One was able to match the incoming student to an existing student without any data conflicts. Students are automatched if all four student identifiers (Forename, Surname, Date of Birth and Gender) in their personal information are identical.
  • Matched with Conflicts
    One was able to match the student to an existing student, but some of the existing student's data conflicts with the information provided in the application.
  • Unmatched
    One was unable to match the student to an existing record. The data of these students is placed in conflict. Unmatched students must be matched manually, added to One as a new student, or discarded.

The first part of the processing is to match as many of the students making online applications with existing One students as possible. Any students that can’t be matched are added as new students. Newly submitted and resubmitted applications are imported each day on a scheduled basis (the import schedule is defined on the Process | Online Parameters tab).

Parents have to supply details of their child when applying online. To do this they must either enter a UID (a unique identifier that is generated by the Local Authority and supplied to the parent in advance) or supply details such as the child's forename, surname, date of birth, gender, address and current school.

This information determines whether or not One can immediately identify the child as already being on the database (automatched), whether the child can be matched to a child who is already on the database manually or whether the child needs to be added to the database.

  • If the parent enters a UID then One already knows the Student ID (stud_id) of the student. The student is therefore matched.
  • If the parent does not use a UID, then One may still be able to make an automatic match from the child details entered. If One matches the child, then the Student ID of the One student is added to the transfer group student information.

If an automatic match cannot be made, then the student is unmatched.

  • It might be possible for you to manually match the student to an existing One student.
  • If you can’t make a manual match, then the student must be added as a new student.

Automatched Students

Students are automatched if all four student identifiers in their personal information are identical. In this case the student identifiers are forename, surname, date of birth and gender.

One checks to see if the incoming student is already linked to the transfer group selected as part of the online application.

If the student is not already linked to the transfer group specified during the online application process, then the process varies depending on the setting of Define Version of Online Applications Import to use on the Administration | Applications tab.

  • If v3 has been selected, then the student is displayed in the Automatched outside Transfer Group sub tab of the Tools | Manage eApplications | Unmatched tab in A&T v3 client. You can then manually select a transfer group for this student to be added to.
  • If v4 has been selected, then the matched One student is linked to the incoming transfer group and no manual intervention is needed.

Unmatched Tab

The Process | Incoming Students | Unmatched tab enables you to manage student data that has been imported and held in conflict because the import process could not match the incoming student details with an equivalent One student record. The tab displays a list of all unmatched students for the transfer group you have selected.

Incoming students must either be matched to existing students or added as new students in order for their online applications to be successfully imported.

The Refresh button updates the list of unmatched students. Click this button to keep the list up to date if more than one person is matching students at the same time.

Match a Student

The MatchMatch button enables the manual matching of an unmatched, incoming student to an existing Capita One student.

When clicked, the Possible Matches dialog is displayed. This dialog displays the details of the selected student (which can be edited if necessary) and lists all students in the transfer group where all the following information matches that of the selected student:

  • Surname
  • The first three characters of the postcode
  • Transfer group
  • Date of birth.

For each of these possible matches, the student’s Name (including middle name and chosen forename and surname), Gender, NCY, Date of Birth, Current Correspondence Address (as opposed to the admissions address), Current School and Transfer Group are displayed.

  • The list is displayed alphabetically by surname but can be sorted by clicking the column headers.
  • Click a name to display that student’s School History, Address History, Name History, and Student Summary information.

Only one unmatched student can be selected at a time for matching.

If a match is not found, use the search criteria to generate a new list of possible matches. Clear the transfer group from the search criteria to search outside the student’s transfer group (i.e. to search all students in Capita One).

Search Limitations

  • The search is not a “sounds like” search
  • The search does not consider name history
  • The search only looks for children under 19, with an active record
  • The search only compares active correspondence addresses and does not take address history into account.

Rules for Matching Students

When an incoming student is matched - either automatically or manually - a number of rulesrules are applied.

  • If the Student Basic Details match and there is an incoming current school, but no current school listed in One: The One student’s school history is not updated with the incoming information and a warning message is displayed.
  • If the Student Basic Details match but the incoming current school does not match the current school in One: The One student’s school history is not updated with the incoming information and a warning message is displayed.
  • If some of the Student Basic Details don't match exactly: One displays a dialog asking if you wish to continue with the match. If you do, the existing One details are not overwritten by the incoming details.

When a match is confirmed, the One student is added to the transfer group if they are not already a member of it.

Add a New Student

Incoming students who cannot be matched to an existing One student must be addedadded as a new student.

Select the students from the list and click the Add New hyperlink. Once you have confirmed your request, a new record (with a new Student ID) is created in the One database for each student. The students’ names are removed from the list of unmatched students.

The newly created student is added to the selected transfer group and assigned a new UID.

  • One attempts to find the current and receiver schools selected from the online National Database list in the One Bases table.
    • If there is no matching base on the One Bases table then a new base record is added to One. The following fields are seeded from the National Database: BASES.BASE_NAME (truncated to 50 characters if too long), BASES.GENDER (if recorded), BASES.LEA_NO and BASES.DES_NO.
      If a student’s current school was not selected from the National Database list but was free-typed then a new base record is not created. The name of the school is displayed in the Application Current School field in the student’s Application Details tab.
  • If a student’s current school was not selected from the National Database list, a school history record is not created.
  • If a student's current school is a feeder school for the transfer group, then a school history record is created for the selected base with the start date as the application start date.
  • If the student's current base is not a feeder school for the transfer group, then:
    • If the student is an overseas student, a school history record is created for the A&T Overseas School.
    • If the student is from outside the county, a school history record is created for the A&T Out of County School.
  • The software then checks to see if the receiver school is already a receiver school in the transfer group (RECEIVER_BASES).
    If not, then:
    • If the transfer group selected is not using the Offer Scheme, then the selected receiver base is added to the Transfer Group Receiver Base list.
    • If the transfer group selected is using the Offer Scheme, then a new sub group is created for the selected transfer group (in TG_SUBGROUP).
      The new sub group name is Online Added School n where n relates to the sequential number of online sub groups added for this transfer group. The number increments by 1 each time such a sub group is added to the transfer group.
      The National Database school is added to the new sub group as a receiver.

Discard a Student

Incoming students who cannot be matched to an existing One student can be discarded. The record is not deleted from the database, but no further actions can be carried out. For example, a student’s application cannot be imported after that student has been discarded.

To discard a student, select the student record and click the Discard hyperlink.


Click the View Application hyperlink to view a printable summary of the online application details, including a Submission History showing the date and the Submission Status (Set back to unsubmitted, Not yet submitted, Resubmitted or Submitted) of each change.

The Submission History is displayed in reverse chronological order and always has at least one row. For example, the row displays a submission status of Not yet submitted before the application has been submitted.

Matched with Conflicts Tab

This tab is the equivalent of the A&T v3 Tools | Manage E-Applications | Student Suspense tab.

If there are data conflicts within an incoming application, either for a student, their sibling or the applicant, the student’s name is displayed in the Matched with Conflicts tab. If you click a name in the list of matched students, the Manage Data ConflictsManage Data Conflicts screen for that student is displayed.

The Manage Data Conflicts screen displays three tabs: Student Address, Applicant Address and Sibling Address. If a conflict exists, the relevant data tab is coloured red and the number of conflicts is shown in brackets. The active tab has a white background.

In this case, there is no Student Address conflicts, one Applicant Address conflict and one Sibling Address conflict. The user is currently viewing the Applicant Address tab.

Each tab has two panels. The right-hand panel contains the One Record, which displays the full address history of the student, sibling and applicant in view-only mode. Click the grey arrow to expand each item.

There is also a link to View Application. Click this link to view a printable summary of the online application details, including a Submission History showing the date and the Submission Status (one of Set back to unsubmitted, Not yet submitted, Resubmitted or Submitted) of each change.

The Submission History is displayed in reverse chronological order and always has at least one row. For example, the row shows a submission status of Not yet submitted before the application has been submitted.

The left-hand panel displays the Conflicting Items. These include the One current address for the selected entity (the student, applicant or sibling) and details of the incoming address record. You have two options - Accept or Discard.

Accept Conflicting Items

If you Accept the address and click the Apply button, an Address Manager search is displayed, which you can use to search for an address within One or add a new address. You are returned to the Manage Data Conflicts tab once you have selected or added the address. You can then choose to either make the selected address the correspondence address or not, as well as choosing an address type.

  • Click the Apply button to display a summary of the accepted address.
  • Click the Continue button to update the selected address in the One database.

Discard Conflicting Items

If you Discard the address and click the Apply button, a summary of the discarded values is displayed. Click the Continue button to remove the selected conflict.

Once all conflicts have been resolved (i.e. either Accepted or Discarded) for the student in the transfer group, that student is removed from the Matched with Conflicts tab.

Matched Tab

This tab shows all incoming students that have been successfully matched and linked to the selected transfer group. Click the Search button to viewview a list of all matched students in the transfer group.

The full name, NCY, date of birth, gender, post code and current school are listed for each student. Click a particular column header to sort the list by that criterion.

You can also filter the list by the application submitted date and either part or all of the student name.

Click the View Application link to view a printable summary of the online application details, including a Submission History showing the date and the Submission Status (one of Set back to unsubmitted, Not yet submitted, Resubmitted or Submitted) of each change.

For online applications, the View Application dialog shows the details entered by the applicant rather than the details of the matched student. For example, if an applicant entered “Billy Smith” as a student name, and that student was then matched to a One record with the name “William-Smith Jones”, then the student would show as William Smith-Jones in the Matched tab but Billy Smith in the View Application dialog.

The Submission History is displayed in reverse chronological order and always has at least one row. For example, the row displays a submission status of Not yet submitted before the application has been submitted.