View Matched Students

This tab shows all incoming students that have been successfully matched and linked to the selected transfer group. Click the Search button to view a list of all matched students in the transfer group.

More information on Matched Students

  1. Select Process | Incoming Students | Matched to display the Matched tab.
  2. Select the transfer group that you wish to view from the left-hand panel.
  3. The search fields in the right-hand panel can be used to filter the results.
  4. Click the Search button to view a list of matched incoming students that meet your search criteria.

To view a summary of a particular student's application, click the View Application hyperlink.
For online applications, the View Application dialog shows the details entered by the applicant rather than the details of the matched student. For example, if an applicant entered “Billy Smith” as a student name, and that student was then matched to a One record with the name “William-Smith Jones”, then the student would show as William Smith-Jones in the Matched tab but Billy Smith in the View Application dialog.