Final Transfer

The Final Transfer routine updates the registered base for students in the transfer group. This routine should be run immediately prior to the start of the new academic year or at the start of the new academic year, once all allocation, management and appeals processes are finished for the transfer group.

Northern Ireland regions can run Final Transfer without running any offer routines first. This enables One to support the admissions process used in Northern Ireland, whereby a user may wish to use Final Transfer to create school history records based on allocated schools.

Although it is possible to run Final Transfer before the end of the summer term, you should consider the implications of running this routine before the end of the summer term, as the Registered Base field may be in use by other modules.

You should not run the Final Transfer routine if your Local Authority is using B2B Students or XML Data Exchange to update your One School History information from SIMS.

This routine is found on the Process | Transfer Groups | Students page.

Final Transfer updates the Registered Base for students in the transfer group.
This routine should be run immediately prior to the start of the new academic year or at the start of the new academic year.
The implications of running this routine before the end of the summer term must be considered, as the Registered Base field may be informing other modules.
It is not appropriate to run the Final Transfer routine if your Local Authority is using B2B Students or XML Data Exchange to update your One School History information from SIMS.

Final Transfer Parameters

The parameters in this section need to be set before Final Transfer is run.

An end date of 31/08/yyyy for the feeder and a start date of 01/09/yyyy for the receiver are displayed, where yyyy is the transfer group year. These dates can be edited if necessary, although they are mandatory fields. Select the leaving and joining reasons, as these are also mandatory. When the Final Transfer process is run, the submitted details are inserted into the school histories.

When you click the Process button a warning message is displayed:

We recommend this routine should not be run until August.

Select OK to run the process or Cancel to stop the process and return to the Students tab.

The Effect of Final Transfer

The Final Transfer creates a new record in the school history of each student.

Where no School History record with a registered base exists for a student, then the Final Transfer process creates a School History record for that student for their allocated receiver base.

  • If a student has an existing School History record with a start date on or after the start date on the Final Transfer Details window at a registered base that does not match the allocated base, then running the Final Transfer Routine causes the following message to be written to the error log:
    No update, already at NNNN XXXX" where NNNN is the BASES.DES_NO and XXXX is the BASES.BASE_NAME.
    The School History is not updated in this case
  • If a student has an existing School History record with a start date on or after the start date on the Final Transfer Details window at a registered base that does match the allocated base, then running the Final Transfer routine does not cause the School History to be updated. However, no message is written to the error log as the student is already registered at the allocated base.

The registered base for each student is updated to the receiver school for all students in the transfer group with an allocated receiver base for whom the circumstances listed above do not apply.

All new School History records are created with a registration type of M -S (Main registered base, no dual). Any dual registrations for students need to be recorded manually. In addition, the registration type for the registered base School History record should be manually changed to MN - D when recording dual registrations.

This routine does not clear down all the data which it has used, since that data may still be needed for Appeals.

On running Final Transfer a warning message prompts you to confirm.

A printable error log is produced. It reports on:

  • Students in the transfer group with no allocation record
  • Students who have already been transferred
  • Miscellaneous errors (e.g. cannot locate base, cannot locate student)

A Crystal Report can now be produced to report on students successfully allocated.

You can repeat the Final Transfer process as required, until all students are successfully allocated. Final Transfer is disabled once there are no further records in the error log.

Base Merge Routine and Final Transfer

The Base Merge routine does not update A&T preferences. If bases that are no longer considered active have been used for preference recording, it is important that the preference continues to reflect the original parent selection. However, if the Local Authority is using the Final Transfer routine to update the school history, then if the allocated base is the old inactive base then the school history is created for this base. As such, Local Authorities would be advised to consider running the Base Merge routine after Final Transfer.