Linked Bases Tab

The Linked Bases tab enables you to define links between feeder and receiver bases for the purpose of running the Feeder Receiver process. It creates a System Generated Preference (as opposed to a parental preference) for each student  and enables you to report on the receiver that is linked to a student's current (feeder) school. This function helps with planning, giving indication of where the student is likely to apply.

Use Feeder Link must be marked as Yes in the Sub Group details of the relevant sub group(s) in order to run the Feeder Receiver process.

The Linked Bases tab shows linked feeders for the selected base.

Any receivers already linked are listed. You can add or delete linked receivers by clicking the Edit button.

A receiver can only be associated with one sub group for each transfer group.

You can filter by Home LA or Other LA bases, as well as searching for a specific base name or school no.

Any receivers that have already been linked are listed first, followed by all other available receivers (depending on the filters you have chosen). The two sets of receivers are separated by a brown line so that you can easily tell them apart.

If you click Show Available First then all receivers that have not been selected for this or any other sub group within the transfer group are listed first.

Click Show Selected First to re-order the list again.

Feeder Link Preference Reason

This check box on the Preference Reasons indicates that the student's registered feeder base is linked to the receiver (via Bases | All Bases | Linked Bases) and that the Feeder Receiver process has been run on the Process | Transfer Groups | Students tab | Pre-Offer Processing section.