Publish Offer Information Online

This process, located on the Process | Transfer Groups | Students tab, enables you to inform applicants of the school place offered to their child. Publish Offer Information Online feeds the offer status information for all automatic offer emails and users of the Admissions & Transfers Online public facing software. The process must be run in order to publish the offer information online.

English and Welsh LAs must run Resolve Offers before Publish Offer Information Online can be run. However, regions in Northern Ireland can run Publish Offer Information Online without running Resolve Offers first. This enables One to support the admissions process used in Northern Ireland, whereby a user may wish to use Publish Offer Information Online to store a snapshot of preferences data on Offer Day, which can be used in management reports even though the live applications & preferences may later change.

As with other LAs, regions in Northern Ireland can only run the Publish Offer Information Online routine once.

Publish Offer Information Online is a once-only process that is designed to publish offer information as it stands on the offer date. Any offer status changes made after the offer date cannot be published online.

In order for the offer emails sent via A&T Online to be seeded with appropriate information, LAs must run the Publish Offer Statuses Online process no later than the day before the publicise date. Offer emails cannot be sent if Publish Offer Statuses Online has not been run. Offer information is not displayed in A&T Online prior to the Publicise date even once the Publish Offer Statuses Online process has been run.

If you do not run the process in time a warning email is sent to your mailbox, telling you how to remedy the situation. For the text of this email, see A&T Email Text

In order to run this process, Resolve Offers must have been run at least once. The Publish Offer Statuses Online button is activated (depending on your access rights) once Resolve Offers has been run.

Northern Irish regions can run Publish Offer Information Online without running Resolve Offers first. This enables One to support the admissions process used in Northern Ireland, whereby a user may wish to use Publish Offer Information Online to store a snapshot of preferences data on Offer Day, which can be used in management reports even though the live applications and preferences may later change.

As with other LAs, Northern Irish regions can only run the Publish Offer Information Online routine once.

In order for the offer emails sent via A&T Online to be seeded with appropriate information, Local Authorities must run the Publish Offer Statuses Online process no later than the day before the publicise date. Offer information is not displayed in A&T Online prior to the publicise date even once the Publish Offer Statuses Online process has been run.
Offer emails cannot be sent if Publish Offer Statuses Online has not been run. If you do not run the process in time a warning email is sent to your mailbox, telling you how to remedy the situation.

  • All active student applications, along with their offer status information for preferences, are exported to the AT_APPLICATION_TRANSFER table.
  • Applications that are withdrawn or inactive are not exported.
  • System generated preferences (i.e. those preferences where the preference number is equal to or greater than the Transfer Group Process Start Number) are exported if they have an offer status of O (Offer), Y (Allocated), A (Accepted by Parent) or P (Provisional).

The Publish Offer Information Online process cannot be run more than once for a specific transfer group. Once the routine has been activated by the running of Resolve Offers (not applicable to Northern Irish regions, who can run Publish Offer Information Online at any point in the admissions process), its button stays active until it has been successfully run for the transfer group. Once Publish Offer Information Online has been run successfully the button is deactivated. The button is deactivated because the online offer information should match the offer letter sent to applicants on 1st March. It is not necessary to re-run the routine, even if offer status changes are made subsequently as part of the appeals process.

When the data has been exported the applicant is able to view a list of the offer statuses for each of their preferences in Admissions Online.