The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

How to Set up Bases as B2B Student Bases

For all schools, the B2B Student Base checkbox should be ticked so that incoming files are processed within One Education Client | B2B Student. This can be done in either One Education Client | Bases or v4 client | Bases. Upon selecting the B2B Student Base flag, you will be able to select a User ID which will be used to identify that the updated information for a student in One came from B2B Student.

It is advised that Local Authorities untick the XML Transfer Base checkbox as manually imported files are now processed in One Education Client | B2B Student.

| One Education Client | v4 Client | Northern Ireland |

  1. Select the Bases area.
  2. Select the All Bases page.
  3. Search for and select the required base.
  4. Click the Edit Base hyperlink in the banner.
  5. Select the B2B Student Base checkbox.
  6. Select a user.
    The system will map this user to the base and will mark them as a B2B Student user.