The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

scheduled tasks

You can create scheduled tasks against a single base or multiple bases at once.

  1. Select the Data Transfer area.
  2. Select the Scheduled Tasks page.
  3. Choose from the following options:
    • Select the Base Name to refine the search to one or more bases.
    • Select the School Number to search for a specific base.
    • Click the More Options hyperlink to add additional search options,  if required.
    • Click the Search button to view a list of bases that match your criteria.
      This will include a count of the number of tasks for each base.

      Schools can choose to lock down their scheduled tasks, which means they maintain all the scheduled tasks and the LA cannot create new or edit existing tasks. If a school has locked down their scheduled tasks, a padlock icon is displayed next to the school name in search results. If you select the school and try to add a new task or clone an existing task, a warning message is displayed and you are prevented from making any changes.

  4. Select one or more bases using the checkboxes or select the checkbox in the column headers to select all bases.
  5. Click the Display Scheduled Tasks button to display any tasks for the selected base(s).
    The heading will change depending on whether single or multiple bases are selected.

Header section

  • Single BaseSingle Base

    Select the Email hyperlink to send an email to the school.

  • Multiple BasesMultiple Bases

    Click the Base Selected hyperlink to display more details of the selected bases.

  • Clear CacheClear Cache
    1. Select a specific data type or All Base Data from the drop-down list:
    2. Select the Clear Cache button to clear the selected cache items from the selected base(s).
      A warning message will be displayed:
    3. Click the Clear cache button to remove the data from the cache.

Scheduled Task tab

  1. Select the Scheduled Task tab.
    Choose from the following options:
    • Select one or more options from the Filters to refine the list.
      The Data Types filter is linked to System Defaults.
    • Click the Wide View hyperlink to see the list of tasks in a wide view if required.
    • Click the Add New Task button to add a new scheduled task for the selected base(s).
    • Scheduled Tasks list:
      When a scheduled task is created in One Education Client, by default the owner is the LA. This means that the LA can edit the task details, including the data that the task imports or exports and the task scheduling. When a scheduled task is created in the B2B Portal, then by default the owner is the school.

      Schools can choose to lock down their scheduled tasks, which means they maintain all the scheduled tasks and the LA cannot create new or edit existing tasks. If a school has locked down their scheduled tasks, a padlock icon is displayed next to the school name in search results. If you select the school and try to add a new task or clone an existing task, a warning message is displayed and you are prevented from making any changes. 

      Single Base:

      Multiple Bases:

      Choose from the following options:
      • Click the Base Name hyperlink to view details of the selected base.
      • Click the Scheduled Task Name hyperlink to view the Task DetailsTask Details tab for the selected task.

        Choose from the following options:

        • Click the Base Name hyperlink to view details of the selected base.
        • Click the Edit hyperlink to edit the Data Details.
          Make any changes as required.
          • To re-assign task ownership to a school:
            From the Owner drop-down, select School

            Once the ownership has been granted to the school, the LA can continue to view the details and the status of the task but it cannot edit the task.
          • To make a task inactive:
            Deselect the Active check box.
        • Click the Clone Task hyperlink to create a new scheduled task with the same details as the selected task.
        • Select the Task Scheduler tab.
          Choose from the following options:
          • Click the Base Name hyperlink to view details of the selected base.
          • Click the Edit hyperlink to edit the Scheduler Settings.
          • Click the Clone Task hyperlink to create a new scheduled task with the same details as the selected task.
      • Click View hyperlink to view details of the scheduler settings for the selected task.

Task Log tab

  1. Select the Task Log tab.
  2. Choose from the following options:
    • Click the Wide View hyperlink to see the list of tasks in a wide view if required.
    • Click the Scheduled Task Name hyperlink to view the Task Details tab for the selected task.

When viewing the details of a scheduled task that has been assigned to run in term time or holiday time only, One displays that the task has run, even if the task should not have run (because it is not term time or holiday time). This occurs because One is not aware of the school’s term and holiday dates. If a scheduled task attempts to run when it should not, Wonde will not send the requested data.  

Add a new scheduled task

Click the Add New Task button to add a new scheduled task for the selected base(s).

Task Details tab

Choose from the following Data Filter Details:

Export from School

Task Scheduler tab

For the Weekly and Monthly options, the Advanced Settings enable you to run a task more than once on a specified day and also to set an expiry date

  • Enter details as required.
  • Choose from the following options:
    • OnceOnce

      The task will run a single time, commencing at the date and time specified in the Start field.  

    • WeeklyWeekly

      The task will run once a day at the time specified in the Start field on each selected day of the week.  

    • MonthlyMonthly

      The task will run once a day at the time specified in the Start field on the selected day for each selected month.