Scheduled Tasks

From the One Autumn 2015 Release (3.58), local authorities can define scheduled tasks in v4 Online to get data fromfrom or send data to their schools. You can create scheduled tasks against a single base or multiple bases at once. A scheduled task can be set to run automatically on a particular day and time to transfer data.

When exporting data from the school, you can select the type of data that each scheduled task exchanges. The following data is available for exchange:

  • Attainment Data
  • Attendance Data (a scheduled task can exchange one of the following types of attendance data)
    • All Attendances for Current Academic Year
    • All Unauthorised Absences for Current Academic Year
    • All Absences for Current Academic Year
    • All Attendances for Previous Academic Year
    • Attendance Changed Data (SIMS Primary)
  • Changed Data
  • Snapshot Data

Depending on the type of data to be exchanged, you can select the group of students for whom you want to exchange data. The following groups are available:

  • NCY
    students within the specified NCY (multiple or All NCYs can also be selected)
  • LAC
    students who are looked after. 
  • Leavers
    students that have left, if the leaving details have already been sent in a non-leavers task. If the student’s details have never been sent in a non-leavers task, then they will not appear as in leaver in a leaver cohort. 
    Where Attendance Data has been selected, an additional Month Filter becomes available with options from 1 month to 13 months. It is recommended that higher month values are only run occasionally as this could import large amounts of data.

    There is now an option in SIMS to bulk delete leaver data. Either the entire student record can be deleted or some data types associated with the record can be deleted such as Attendance, SEN, etc. Where the student record is retained, it could mean that some data will no longer be available for export.

When exporting data to the school, you can only select Changed Data for the group type of NCY.

Before local authorities can begin maintaining B2B scheduled tasks for their schools, the existing scheduled tasks in SIMS must be migrated into One v4 Online.

B2B:Student Scheduled Tasks Prerequisites

  • SIMS at the Autumn 2015 Release (7.166) or later
  • One at the Autumn 2015 Release (3.58) or later
  • Schools have migrated to B2B:Student Phase 2
  • Schools have SIMS Services Manager installed and running
  • One Provider Portal installed and configured. For more information, see the Deploying and Configuring the One Provider Self Service Portal for Local Authorities technical guide, available from One Publications).