All Bases on Map

The All Bases on Map functionality is only available if the LA has set up Read permission to the All Bases on Map business process under Main Business Process: Bases.

The View Map link is accessed via Bases | All Bases on Map and can be used to see a graphical representation of the base, principal site, principal site gates, other sites and other site’s gates.

The View Map link is subject to permissions and also subject to GIS Licensing. It is disabled if a GIS license is not installed.

In order to access the functionality in the Bases | All Bases on Map area a user group must have permissions set up as shown in the following table:

Functionality Main Business Process Business Process Read Read-Write Read-Write-Delete
View map Admission Applications Admissions GIS Map       
Reposition/position map objects Admission Applications Admissions GIS Map           
Bases Gates           
Bases Sites           
Import catchments Admissions Setup and Population Update Catchments