Roles and Associated People

The People Roles page is used to define new roles in addition to the standard set of seeded roles for Local Authority contacts and school contacts. This page also provides the functionality to add associated people to each role.

To display a Role and the people associated with it:

  1. Select the Administration area.
  2. Select the People Roles tab.
  3. Choose from the following options:
    • Enter a Role or Description and click the Search button to filter the list.
    • Click the Add New People Role hyperlink.
      1. Enter information as required.
      2. If required, select the System Defined check box. If a role is system defined, it cannot be deleted.

      When a new role is created via the People Roles tab, it must be added to the appropriate contacts role code lookup via the Contacts Template tab to make it available for selection.

    • Click the Edit button adjacent to the required role to display fields in edit mode.
      Make any changes as required. A role’s Type cannot be changed if the role is used in the contacts template.
    • Click the Delete button adjacent to the required role to display a confirmation message.
      Click the OK button to confirm the deletion.
  4. Highlight the required role to display the Associated People.
  5. Choose from the following options:
    • Enter a Surname, Forename or Title to filter the list of people.
    • Click on the Surname hyperlink to view the Person Details for <name> screen.
      1. Click on the Add or Edit hyperlinks against any of the sections to display editable fields relating to that section.
      2. If required, click the Memo button to add a memo.
      3. If required, click the Notes button to add notes.
    • Click the Add Associated People hyperlink to display the Person Search dialog.
      1. Search for and select a person as required.
        Untick the In Role checkbox to display a list of people not associated with the role.
      2. Click the Add New Person link to display the Add New Person dialog.
        Enter any details as required.
    • Click the Remove button adjacent to the required person. A confirmation message is displayed.
      Click the OK button to confirm.