Generate Bulk DAF Payments

A bulk DAF payment can be generated for one or more providers against 3 and 4 year-old children.

  1. Select Focus | Early Years | Generate Payments to display the Payment Run Enquiry screen.

  1. Click the New button to display the Generate Payments screen.
  2. Select a Payment Period.
  3. Select DAF - Disability Access Fund from the Payment Type  drop-down list to automatically update the age ranges selected.

The For 3s and For 4s check boxes are selected (ticked) and disabled. The For 2s and For Over 4s check boxes are de-selected (cross) and disabled.

  1. If you require the pre-defined Payment Schedule Report to be produced when the payments are generated, select the Report Required check box to display a tick.
  2. Select the providers:

  1. In the Providers panel, click the Add button to display the Add Providers To Payment Run dialog.
  2. If required, click the browse button to select a Service or a Provider.
  3. Click the Search button to list the providers who have outstanding DAF payments for the selected Payment Period.

  1. Click on the required provider or click Select All to select the whole list.
  2. Click the Select button to display the selected providers on the Generate Payments screen.
  1. Click the Generate button.

After payment has been generated it must be authorised before payment is made. Refer to Authorising DAF Payment for more information.