Generate Individual DAF Payments

When a child has been approved for DAF, an individual payment can be made to the funded service.

  1. Select Focus | Early Years | Search for Funded Services to display the Search for Funded Services screen.
  2. Enter the required search criteria and click the Search button to display a list of matching services.
  3. Select the required service and click Open in New Window to display the Funded Service screen.

  1. Click the Payment Details link to display the Payment Details screen.
  2. Click the New button to display the New Payment screen.

  1. Select DAF - Disability Access Fund from the Payment Type drop-down and click the Continue button to display the Payment Details.

  1. Click the Save button to generate the payment and display the Payment Breakdown.

Generated payments must be authorised before payment is made. Refer to: Authorising DAF Payment for more information.