Record Carer Details

The Carer Details tab is displayed if the child is either 3 or 4 years old.

  1. Click the red button adjacent to the child’s name to display the Carer Details tab.

  1. Select the Yes radio button to display the Carer Details panel.

A validation check prevents a Carer from being added that is under 16 e.g. too young to have a National Insurance Number and therefore too young to be assessed for entitlement to Early Years Pupil Premium.

  1. To record or edit the Carer details or click the Add Another Carer button to record new carer details.
  2. Alternatively, if the carer do not wish to provide any details, select the Decline to provide radio button.
  3. Click the Save button.

Carers Details

A Carer under 16yrs old e.g. too young to have a National Insurance Number and therefore too young to be assessed for entitlement to Early Years Pupil Premium cannot be added as a Carer.  If a provider modifies a carers Forename, Gender, NI or NASS number the warning message displayed below appears when saving the carers record.

The message can be changed in Administration | Site Setup | Customise Text, for ‘Headcount Different Carer Check’