SEN Establishments

Establishments enable you to group posts within a team structure. For example, the establishment, SEN Service Manager, could contain the following posts:

  • SEN Service Manager
    • SEN Case Officer
    • SEN Admin Officer
  • SEN Business System Administrator

An establishment cannot be created until posts have been defined. 
A post can only be in one establishment/team, but a person can be in more than one post.

Creating an Establishment

To create a new establishment and assign posts to it:

  • Select Tools | Team Structure | Establishment to display the Establishment Definition Enquiry dialog.

    To view existing establishments, click the Search icon to display establishments matching your search criteria.

  1. Click the New button to display the Establishment Definition dialog.
  2. Enter the Name in the Establishment Details panel. The establishment is displayed in the Post Hierarchy panel ready to be assigned posts.
  3. To assign a post to an establishment, select a post from the Posts (i.e. not assigned to any establishment) pane on the right-hand side and drag it to the required position on the establishment tree on the left-hand side.
  4. To re-position a post in the hierarchy, use the Move Post Up and Down buttons. You can also re-position a post left-clicking and dragging it to the required branch on the tree.

    If the required post is not available, you can set up posts via Tools | Posts | Post Definition. 

  5. Click the Save button.