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System Defaults

The System Defaults page enables a system administrator to set the defaults for certain basic parameters used within One.

A Parameter Code, Parameter Value and a Description are listed for each value. As each one is highlighted the field details are displayed, allowing the Parameter Value and Description to be set appropriately.

Unless your use of a field differs from the standard implementation, it is strongly advised that you do not change the parameter Description. The descriptions provide important information to administrators on configuring the environment.

To edit a system default value:

  1. In the System admin area, select the System defaults page to display a list of system default parameters.
  2. Select the parameter you want to edit.
    If required, filter the list using the Parameter code, Description or Parameter value columns.
  3. Edit the Description or Value as required.

System default parametersSystem default parameters

Parameter Code Full Description
ACAD_YR_ST Custom Academic Year
ACT_FILTER A period value (days) for which activities are displayed as default.
ACT_PNL_RN Renamed panels in Activity Details
ACTPNLRNSV SVC team Activity panel rename
ADDR_DATA Address Manager: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. When this parameter is set to True, the AFD value-added address fields in the Address Manager can be edited.
Controls whether values Delivery Point Suffix (DPS), Mail Sort Code, STD Code, NHS Code, NHS Region Code, Political Ward and Local Authority can be edited for an address.
ADDR_NAME How the Addressee Name is formed, referenced by the Addressee default.
ADDR_ST_DE If set to 'T', when a street is imported and the type is not '1' (has an official name), the description for the street is imported.
ADDRESSEE The default value applied to the student Addressee field when a student record is initially created.
ADR_AMN_AR Import Admin area as County?
AGENCYLANO The LA No. migrated agencies are associated with.
ALLPERALRT Share person, student & ICS Person Alerts.
ALTER_CRIT The part of any alternative bases that distances are calculated to, by default, when performing an assessment in Transport v4. The valid values are:
-1: Nearest site
-2: Nearest gate
-3: Nearest gate or site
-4: Nearest gate, if no gate for a site then nearest site
-5: Principal site
-6: Main gate.
The default value is -1.
ANT_MAT_TG Match student not in Transfer Group
AP_EY_DATE The configured Alternative Provision & EY Census Date used by the One system.
APIMAXLMIT Maximum page size for API request
APP_SRVR_1 The configured URL for the application server.
APP_SRVR_2 The configured URL for the second application server.
APP_SRVR_3 The configured URL for the third application server.
APP_SRVR_4 The configured URL for the fourth application server.
ARCDEFPERS The person ID used to anonymise records and ensure data integrity when running the delete routine in Archive & Delete.
ARCDELDEF The retention period in months for which information will be stored in the Delete log for records processed by the delete routine of the Archive & Delete module.
AUDITREADS An option that controls whether the V4 system audits Capita One users viewing student records.
AUSENEARST The A&T parameter determines whether the walking network is used to find the starting point for the driving distance (when the nearest link is not drivable). It does not affect the calculation of walking distance.
B2B_S_AGE Determines the maximum age of records that will be displayed within the v4 B2B: Student search screen.
B2BDATASET This parameter allows the system administrator to define the default dataset to use for B2B data transfer.

If the dataset is changed on the B2B Setup tab, this parameter is updated to correspond with that dataset.

B2BHCACHE This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. When set to True, it will enable B2B caching.
BASE_LINKS People: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. When set to True, it allows other module users within a Local Authority to use the Base Links functionality, where the Personnel module is already licenced. This allows other module users to create an employee record in order to link them to a Base.
Where the Personnel module is not in use this setting is ignored and Base Links are enabled.

The default distance calculation method used in Transport v4. Valid values are:
• Direct
• Driving
• Walking.
The default value is Direct.

CALC_METHD The distance calculation method used.
CARER_MIN The minimum age for which records are displayed in the Carer matching area of B2B:Student v4.
CASEVTTYPE Customisation – Provides the ability to select the CSS Case Note Event Type as a Mandatory field.
CASLINKFIL Customisation – Case notes linked files were not showing in 3.54 (screens were greyed out). This field enables you to allow access and ability to link files in case notes.
CASNOTEREP Customisation – Enables you to see the Reports link on CSS case notes links menu, to setup reports to be used from this screen.
CASNTLINKD Customisation – Provides an additional column on the Case Notes Summary grid to identify whether any case notes had any linked documents against them.
CASPEPLPRT Customisation – The Case Notes People Present field has been enhanced to allow users to enter up to 2000 characters. A scroll bar is provided to enable you to view all data.
CHAPMINAGE Chaperone lower age set by LA
CHRONLINKS Customisation – Provides the ability to see the Reports link on the Chronology links menu in order to setup reports for use on the screen.
CHRONOLREP Customisation – The ability to report on the contents of the Chronology Grid, including any additional bespoke development changes to the grid.
CLOG_VMTHS Period in months for which contact log records are displayed.
CLOG_VWKS Period in weeks for which contact log records are displayed.
COMMLOGDSP Customisation – Provides an additional column to display the Communication Log Category in the table of information presented in the communication log screen.
CORDERCONF One treats court orders as confidential, meaning that only users with access will be able to view information.
CPSCHLOCIN Hide schools located in list
CPSCHOFFEM Hide school offer email option
CPWELDRPDN Hide Welsh drop-down option
CRNLGY_EST Chronology Establishment filter
CRNTYPFILD Customisation – Provides the ability to hide the TYPE column from the Case Notes and Chronology Summary tables.
CRSEARCH Controls how the system searches for completed reports in both v4 client and v4 online.
CSSFIELDOV Customisation – Enables system administrators to override the sign off functionality detailed in CSSSIGNOFF default and re-enable the forms to be edited.
CSSRVWPNL Generic CSS Reviews panel
CSSSIGNOFF Customisation – Enables LAs to select the sign off button and lock the form down, thereby stopping anyone from further amending the form unless requesting an override from the system administrator. Available on the Generic Involvements, Activities and Communication logs screens.
CSSWORKFLW Customisation – Additional workflow functionality available (e.g. ICS Workflow functionality), enabling users to create a workflow and assign it to users or posts with a due date. These Workflows then show up on the user’s Homepages. Available on Generic Involvements, Activities and Communications logs screens.
CTACTION Case wizard from person: action taken
CUST_LAB Setting Dynamic Label flag: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and Is set to False by default. If the system administrator changes the setting to True, then all users will have access to change field and tab labels.
DEST_CRIT The part of the destination base that distances are calculated to, by default, when performing an assessment in Transport v4. The valid values are:
-1: Nearest site
-2: Nearest gate
-3: Nearest gate or site
-4: Nearest gate, if no gate for a site then nearest site
-5: Principal site
-6: Main gate.
The default value is -1.
DXADDR Data Exchange: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. With this setting, addresses imported with blank postcodes will be accepted.
EDRMSLINKS Customisation – Bespoke functionality created for LA’s using an EDRMS. A button is provided on the Student details screen, enabling a call to a configured EDRMS location. This enables you to display documents held within EDRMS for a particular Student being viewed.
EVTTYPALPH Customisation – Enables the CSS Case Notes Event Type field to order all information alphabetically for current lookups and any new lookups added.
EY_PP_FULL Display full Pupil Premium log.
EY30HUPLD 30 hours checks upload
EYC An EYC parameter is a ‘dummy’ LA Number for Early Years Settings. If a Local Authority defines this parameter, it allows users of other modules to filter out EY Settings of type Person or Establishment from the Bases lookup. By selecting the LA Bases option, all Bases defined with the Home LA Number are listed. Settings with a dummy LA Numbers are omitted from this list.
FORMATPAON This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter that enables the Local Authority to format NLPG for Admissions and Transfers ADT files. The default setting is False.
A setting of True is recommended for those Local Authorities who will be exporting files to SIMS schools, as this also includes some enhanced address matching. When set to True, One imports/exports entries in the BS7666 format.
FR_APRMORE Foster Register approved for more column
FR_APRMRCD Foster Register approved for more code
FR_PLNOTES Foster Register placement notes column
GIS_MAXZ GIS Maximum Zoom
GIS_MINZ GIS Minimum Zoom
GIS_SYS_DZ System Admin Default Zoom
GIS_TPT GIS Tile Protocol Type
GIS_TSLP GIS Tile Server Link Pattern
GNB_STDLMT The number of records that will be processed in a batch within G&B routines.
GUIDMATCH This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to True by default. When set to True, it will allow incoming student / carer records to be matched by GUID where one exists in the import file.
HCC_HFINT Hants file integration
HIDCRNFILD Customisation – The ability to hide the CRN column from the Case Notes and Chronology Summary tables if the field is not utilised.
ICSFIELDOV Customisation – The ability to control the permissions ICS Health Professional Field as referred to in default ICSINVHEPF.
ICSINHANS Inherit answers on Event date
ICSINVHEPF Customisation – The ICS Person Details screen has been amended to include a panel called Health Professional, where the LA can add free text information on doctors, dentist, physio etc. This field also includes information on any health professionals and their full details that may be associated to a child.
ICSPERRISK Customisation – Provides the Risk link within the ICS Person Details screen.
INACREA Set default Inactive Reason
INV_FILTER From day filter in Involvement.
INV_KW_TRV Involvement key worker tree view
INVDTSTATS Customisation – Prevents a user from creating an Active Involvement with an end date. Resolves the ability to save an existing Active Involvement with an end date. This ensures users are not able to insert an end date to any Active involvements.
INVLEADCW The Lead Caseworker is created on the Generic CSS Involvement form. Turning this on displays a Lead Caseworker column on the Home page | My Involvements. The default is set to off. To turn on, set the Value to TRUE.
INVMEDSENS Customisation – Enables users to filter SEN Medical Needs based on specific Involvement types. This is typically used when a selection of ALL SEN Medical Needs is provided regardless of the form Type for which an involvement is being created. This breaks down the selection based on each form, based on how an LA has set the sections up.
INVOUTPANL Customisation – The Outcomes panel in Generic CSS Involvement forms includes end dates to allow multiple Outcomes of the same type, with different start and end dates.
INVRAGSTS Enables users to record RAG Status (Red, Amber, Green) against Involvements. The default is set to off. To turn on, set the Value to TRUE. The LA decides its own business rules for each status.
INVRESNPAN Customisation – The Reasons panel in Generic CSS Involvement forms includes end dates to allow multiple Reasons of the same type, with different start and end dates.
INVSTATGRP Enables users to filter involvements by Group Status on the Home page | My Involvements. The default is set to off. To turn on, the items should be added as a pipe delimited list (separate using the | vertical bar character). This also affects the Service Team Workload page
KEYETFLTER Customisation – Enables customised users to perform a Case Notes search on those Case Notes that are selected as Key Events. Where Customisation KEYEVTFELD is also licenced.
KEYEVTFELD Customisation – Enables customised users to select CSS Case Notes as a Key Event (by means of tick) should a case note need to be recorded as a Key Event.
LEANO The number of your Local Authority; making it the default entry for all new records. This number links to the One Licence files and is entered when the system is installed. This number should not be changed.
LINKCASCHR Customisation – Enables users to add and view linked documents for a Case Note in view only mode in the Case Note Summary screen.
LINKFILCOL Customisation – A linked document column has been added to the Chronology grid showing all records that may have documents linked to them.
LNK_D_FLTR Defines the file types that are permitted for selection as a linked document within the v4 Client and v4 Online.
LOCALE Locale Setting for Tab and Labels where parameter values are currently 1 as the Default Setting, 2 Scotland, 3 Wales and 4 Northern Ireland Locale settings.
LOOKED_AFT Students: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. If this parameter is set to True, then the Public Care button on the Student Details tab page will always read Public Care Status, giving no indication to users of the actual status. If this is set to False, then the button indicates the current status, (i.e. "Not in Public Care", "Currently in Public Care" or "Formerly in Public Care"). Users with access rights to this information can still view the Public Care details.
MAXGOVAPPT Governors: This is the maximum number of concurrent appointments within an authority.
MYINVSPLIT Enables users to activate the Split grid on the Home page | My Involvements. The default is set to off.
To turn on, set the Value to TRUE. This also affects the Service Team Workload page.
NCY_1 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Guardians \ Carers people search.
NCY_110 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within B2B: Personnel people search.
NCY_13 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within v3 Online School Trips people search.
NCY_15 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Early Years people search.
NCY_17 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Governors people search.
NCY_19 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Training Manager people search.
NCY_2 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within v3 People Roles \ v4 Role Manager people search.
NCY_21 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within v3 Personnel people search.
NCY_26 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within System Administration (mapped person) people search.
NCY_27 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Transport people search.
NCY_32 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within EPM v3 people search.
NCY_33 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within CSS people search.
NCY_40 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within CIE people search.
NCY_43 The NCY value (+4 to calculate age), used to reduce the age of people being displayed within Music Tuition people search.
NE_SC_CRIT The part of the destination base that distances are calculated to, by default, when running the Nearest School search in Transport v4. Valid values are:
1: Nearest site
2: Nearest gate
3: Nearest gate or site
4: Nearest gate, if no gate for a site then nearest site
5: Principal site
6: Main gate.
The default value is 1.
NEAR_POINT The value used to determine the nearest point of a base for A&T distance calculations.
NO_OF_BASE Bases returned in number format.
NO_OF_NESC The default number of schools returned by the Nearest School check that is automatically performed when you run an assessment in Transport v4. The default value is 5. N.B. Setting the NO_OF_NESC parameter to a value greater than 10 may have a negative impact on search performance.
NWENTCHILD Customisation – The Chronology grid has been amended to display a child’s birthday as a new event, up to their 26th birthday. This allows users to view certain events between a child’s birthdays and easily identify when these occurred. N.B. Setting the NO_OF_NESC parameter to a value greater than 10 may have a negative impact on search performance.
ORDDRIVING When calculating driving distance, include ‘Off Road Distance’.
ORDWALKING When calculating walking distance, include ‘Off Road Distance’.
PER_ROLES Search for people based on Personnel module roles.
PERSTUDHAZ Customisation – Provides the Hazard link within the Links menu on the Student and Person details.
PERSTUDHC Customisation – A Health Care available from the Focus Menu allowing an LA to add Health Centre\GP information and search and filter on this for any students or person record on the system.
PERSTUDNHS Customisation – Provides the ability to record the NHS number prior to being added into the main product.
PORTAL_PDF Portal – allow PDF generation
POSTCODE Data Exchange: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to False by default. With this setting, addresses imported with blank postcodes are accepted.
PPREPORTS Provider Portal show reporting
PS_LEVEL This parameter controls what personal information fields are visible by all users via One Online. There are three levels:
Full: All "Person Details" available Online.
Core: Default setting at installation time - as Full except DoB, NI No., Ethnic Origin, Home Language, Reg Disabled and Disability Number.
Core_No_Address: Suppresses same as Core but also suppresses the Post Code, the full address and Home telephone number.
PWD_EXP_HR Forgot password link expiration in hours
S_NWV3CONF Displays a v3 confidential CSS Service on the v4 Social Network.
SELEDESELE Customisation – Options Select All and Deselect All available on the Chronology grid for Case Notes that appear to be Key Events. Works in conjunction with reporting, allowing users to quickly report on Key Event Case notes.
SEN_ADMIN The default SEN Administrator.
SENTYPE Sets the default Bases SEN School Type.
SERWKLDARF Customisation – Default is related to default SERWORKCNT for Service Team Workload customisation.
SERWORKCNT Customisation – Within the Service Team Workload, screen a total figure is displayed of how many involvements are open for any given service team or person within that service team. This provides users with a summary of currently open involvements.
SPACTION Case wizard from person: supervised action
SPPOST Case wizard from person: supervised post
STUD_LEA The single LA field in Student Details is replaced with Home and Funding LA fields. When One is updated, both fields will initially contain the original LA No/Name.
For reporting purposes, this parameter (HOME or FUND) is used to allow the Local Authority to switch which of the two new fields will appear in any reports using the LA No data.
The Address Utility, Update Student LA No routine uses this parameter to update the Student details record for Home and Funding LAs.
SVCTMCSSRW Generic Reviews Service Team
SWCEXPPATH The path used to export the file from SWRC routine.
TASSNOHS The number of schools to be assessed when performing a nearest school search. A higher value provides more confidence that the schools returned are accurate (i.e. all possible schools are considered and ranked), but the cost is decreased performance. A lower value will increase performance but risks not properly identifying the actual nearest school.
TASSNTHSCH Default number of schools returned by the Nearest School search in the Transport v4 module. The default value is 5. N.B. Setting the TASSNTHSCH parameter to a value greater than 10 may have a negative impact on search performance.
TITLE_LINK False – Title values can be added on the fly.
True – Only Title lookup values can be selected.
TR_ASS_NET Transport assessment preferred route
TR_LIF_DRI Transport LIF driving network
TR_LIF_WAL Transport LIF walking network
TR_OWN_NET Transport journey own travel distance
TRS_CNT Transport: This is a True or False (Boolean) parameter and is set to True by default. When set to True, it enables you to edit closed contract details.
TRS_VAT_PC Transport: This sets the current VAT rate for automatic calculations, but enables you to edit the percentage when necessary.
TRS_YRCLOS Transport: The date set is used as a criterion for selecting students for transfer to next year.
TUSENEARST The Transport parameter determines whether the walking network is used to find the starting point for the driving distance (when the nearest link is not drivable).
It does not affect the calculation of walking distance.
UDFMANDAT Customisation – Provides the ability to select any UDF fields created to be a mandatory field.
UDFPANMAN Customisation – Allows users to add additional panels to areas of the system (if the screen \ entity is within the dropdown menu of the UDF manager screen) and assign UDFs to these panels.
UDFTEXTEXT Customisation – Increases the text limitation within UDFs from current system limit to 2000.
V3REFSUM Customisation –v3 Referral Summary – Contact RSM \ BDM for further detail.