Select a Passenger to Process

The Single passenger search panel provides two passenger selection tabs. The Personal info tab enables you to search for a specific passenger using that passenger’s name or other personal details, while the Process status tab enables you to search for passengers based on the stage that those passengers are at in the application process.

If a passenger has a SEN status of S (Statement) or E (EHCP), then the corresponding status letter is displayed before their name in the search results. This enables you to see which people have SEN statements or EHCP plans in place without having to select them.

You can use the Process status tab to search for:

  • All active passengers.
  • Those passengers with special transport needs.
  • Passengers who attend or need to travel to a specific base.
  • Passengers who either do or do not have an ongoing application.
  • Passengers who either do or do not have an outstanding assessment.
  • Passengers who either have or have not been assigned a journey.

One Transport displays the number of results matching the entered search criteria at the bottom of the search panel. However, Access Control List (ACL) restrictions are applied in between the search being completed and the results being displayed. Therefore, the number of results visible on screen may not match the given number of results, depending on the ACLs applicable to your One user ID.

More information:
ACL Definition