Manage Transport Lookups

The Transport lookups page enables you to create, edit and delete vehicle types, invoice reasons and special need types for use elsewhere in One Transport.

  1. Select the Admin area
  2. Select the Transport lookups page.
  3. Select from the following options:
    • Vehicles
      The Vehicles tabtab enables you to create and edit vehicle types for use on the Operations | Contractors | Vehicles tab.
      1. Select the Vehicles tab. A list of One Transport’s current vehicle types is displayed.
      2. Select from the following options:
        • Click the create a new type of vehicle hyperlink. Editable fields relating to vehicle type details are displayed.

          Enter details as required.
        • Highlight the vehicle type you want to edit. Editable fields relating to vehicle type details are displayed.

          Amend details as required.
        • Highlight the vehicle type you want to delete.
          1. Click the delete selected type of vehicle hyperlink. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
          2. Click the Delete button to delete the vehicle type and close the dialog.
    • Invoices
      The Invoices tabtab enables you to create and edit invoice reasons for use on the Processes | Single Passenger | Invoices and Processes | Multiple Passengers | Invoice Passengers tabs.
      1. Select the Invoices tab. A list of One Transport’s current invoice reasons is displayed.
      2. Select from the following options:
        • Click the create a new invoice reason hyperlink. Editable fields related to invoice reasons are displayed.

          Enter details as required.
        • Highlight the reason you want to edit. Editable fields related to invoice reasons are displayed.

          Amend details as required.
        • Highlight the reason you want to delete.
          1. Click the delete selected invoice reason hyperlink. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
          2. Click the Delete button to delete the reason and close the dialog.
    • Special transport needs
      The Special transport needs tabtab enables you to create and edit special need types for use on the People | Personal info | Special needs tab.
      1. Select the Special transport needs tab. A list of all current special need types is displayed.
      2. Select from the following:

        You cannot delete a need type that is currently assigned to one or more passengers.

        • Click the create a new type of need hyperlink. Editable fields related to need details are displayed.

          Enter details as required.
        • Highlight the need you want to edit. Editable fields related to need details are displayed.

          Amend details as required.
        • Highlight the need you want to delete.
          1. Click the delete selected type of need hyperlink. A warning dialog is displayed.
          2. Click the Delete button to delete the need.