The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

Future Behaviour

Release Note Summer 2021 (3.75)

The Future Behaviour change screen:

If a young person has been identified as a risk to children in a prior stage, the The young person has been previously assessed as presenting 'a risk to children'? question is automatically set to Yes and cannot be changed:

Selecting the Yes radio button for the An assessment of dangerousness is required? question triggers the Dangerousness question set:


Selecting No from the following drop-down triggers a free text field:

Selecting Yes triggers questions about the young person’s harmful behaviours:

To add behaviour and offence details:

  1. In the Behaviour/offence table, click the add button.

    The Behaviour/offence details dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the appropriate options from the drop-downs.
  3. Click the continue button to add the details to the record.

To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.

To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.

The behaviour or offence is also added to the likelihood of behaviours reoccurring table:

You cannot delete the behaviour or offence from this area.

Clicking the edit icon displays a dialog in which you can provide Likelihood and Community/custody detail:

The Likelihood and Community/custody responses are displayed in the Matrix of impact:

Selecting any MAPPA Category other than N/A triggers a Further Exploration question: