Citizen Portal – Application Conditions available on Free School Meals Administration (3.78)


An Application conditions tile has been added to the Free School Meals Administration section of the Administration page. This allows LAs to manage conditions applied to FSM applications.

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Select the tile to display the following:

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Allow/Prevent Multiple Applications now checks on the Claim Status rather than ECS Status of an application.

An upper and/or lower boundary to applications based on date of birth, age, or no limitation can be defined so that LAs only receive applications for eligible children, and parents expectations are properly managed.

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There is also a new text resource for the tile called FsmApplicationConditionsAdmin. It can be accessed via Administration > General Administration > Edit Site Text Resources > Markdown | Text Blocks.

Click image to enlarge. Use browser back button to return.

Additionally, the Allow multiple Eligible FSM Applications slider has been removed from the FSM Settings page, accessed via the Free School Meals Administration > Grants and Benefits Mapping tile.


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FSM Administration

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