Professional Portal – New option to configure whether citizens/professionals are unauthenticated when an Involvement is made inactive (3.84)


Currently, when a local authority makes a child’s Involvement inactive, all citizens and professionals are automatically unauthenticated meaning they can no longer see SEND related information about the child on the SEND Portal.

This update gives local authorities the ability to configure whether citizens/professionals are automatically unauthenticated when an Involvement is made inactive. A new field Unauthenticate Portal Users when closing Involvement has been added to the Manage Configuration screen in the Professional Portal.

  • If set to Yes (default)
    Automatically unauthenticates citizens and professionals when an involvement is made inactive and the user selects OK to the dialogue Making the Involvement inactive will remove the authenticated status of all Portal users.
  • If set to No
    Citizens and professionals are not unauthenticated when involvements are made inactive and the user selects OK to Making the involvement inactive will not change the authentication status of Portal Users.This means LAs can manage the appeals process via the portal if required.

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