Admissions & Transfers – New sibling columns added for the School Admissions Portal (3.72)

Description There are now multiple columns for sibling information available to schools, to help display where a sibling has been claimed and has been verified: Sibling claimed Sibling verified  View Applications Verify Siblings   Documents Updated School Admissions Portal Handbook School Admissions Portal Handbook NI Customising the School Admissions Portal Customising the School Admissions Portal NI

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School Admissions Portal/A&T Back Office – Offer statuses can now be displayed or hidden in the School Admissions Portal (3.71)

Description When viewing applications, the Receiver Summary panel now displays additional offer statuses once the Show Offers to Receivers date is reached. If the Show Offers to Receivers date is not populated, then this option is only available on and after the Transfer Group Publicise date. Additionally, the All Offer Statuses drop-down menu corresponds to the offer statuses listed in […]

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