Early Years – Self Update – Providers have new filters and Services now indicate Funded (3.71)

Description   Provider and Services – Self Update screens have been updated with new functionality. Provider – Self Update This screen now has 3 new filters Provider Portal | Self Update Admin | Providers 1. Show Only Closed Providers List Providers who are active and In-active. By default the screen displays: Active Providers Providers with future opening date Providers who […]

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Portal Back Office – Portal DPR updated against Carers attributes (3.71)

Description The Data Processing Rules for Portal submissions have been amended to prevent specified carers attributes being selected as ‘Don’t Import’ against any base. The attributes where the rules are imposed are: Carer Address Details – PORTALS Carer Details – PORTALS Forename Surname Gender Carer Relationship Parental Responsibility B2B:Student | Setup | DPR   If any of these fields were […]

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Early Years – Provider Self Update Portal – Providers can now upload files against services (3.70)

Description Provider Portal Providers can now upload files against their services. Provider Self Update Portal | Service| File Upload tab Configuration A number of configuration options control whether providers can upload files.  There is the ability to specify the following: Switch the File Upload tab on Which file type extensions can be uploaded The number of files that can be […]

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Statutory EYFSP (Locale 1) – EYFSP Census Return (3.68)

Description EYFSP Census Return 2019 Updated.  This release supports the following changes to the 2019 return: There are no changes to EYFSP other than yearly changes. Therefore, you should use the Tools | Administration | Attainment Projects Calendar Year Summary function to update the EYFSP tables without upgrading the whole system. Roll-over of dates. Link to DfE website updated. Links […]

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