B2B Personnel / Personnel Module – Notice of End of Life for B2B Personnel and Personnel Module (3.74)

Description Personnel module The Personnel module has existed for many years but the numbers of customers have gradually reduced in recent years. What does this mean? Personnel is no longer a strategic priority for One Education.  Therefore we will stop support from April 2021.  The last release of software that will include the Personnel module will be 3.74 (Spring 2021) […]

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B2B – SIMS8 credentials in Edit Bases screen no longer hidden (3.74)

Description Previously, the Add/Edit SIMS Primary Settings hyperlink only became visible in Bases | Edit Bases when the following key was set to True in the web.config file: <add key=”EnableSIMS8MigrationMode” value=”True” /> The key has been removed from web.config so that the hyperlink is always visible: Additionally, the Subscription Key and Secret have been encrypted in the database, although they […]

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