Configure Additional Online Parameters

The Additional Online Parameters section of the Sub Group Details page enables you to set sub group-specific options that are displayed when an online applicant selects a receiver from that sub group. These options include online memo text and the preference reasons that are displayed online for applicants to choose.

All other online parameters are set for the Local Authority as a whole, and are managed via Administration | Applications | Online Parameters.

Edit Online Memos

Four sub group-specific memos are available. These memos are displayed online to assist applicants when they are selecting preference reasons for a receiver.

  • Medical Question: This memo explains the Local Authority’s policy regarding medical reasons, and informs applicants that they may need to supply extra evidence.
  • Other Reasons Supporting Text: This memo explains that the applicant can select Other Reasons if their reasons for preference are not fully covered by the onscreen options, and informs them that they will be able to explain their reasons fully on the next page.
  • Oversubscription Criteria: This memo gives an overview of the oversubscription criteria and explains how applicants should select them appropriately.
  • Sibling Question: This memo contains the question that asks an online applicant whether or not their child has a sibling at the preferred school. Further text should be added to include your Local Authority’s definition of who is considered to be a sibling for the purposes of school admissions.

    Example: “Does your child have a sibling who will still be attending the school when your child starts?”

Configure Preference Reasons Displayed Online

This section of Sub Group Details | Additional Online Parameters determines whether or not each preference reason is available on screen for an applicant to select. The reasons correspond to the Applicant Reasons displayed in Students | Applications | Application Details | Preferences | View Reasons.

The Other Reasons memo is always displayed online.

Named School is not available as a preference reason because this information is derived from the fact that the parent claims that their child has a statement.