Explanation of the Make Offers Process (In Year)

When you run the Make Offers routine for an In Year transfer group, One takes the following actions:

  1. One carries out the following checks:
    • One checks all Home LA receivers in the transfer group to see if they have vacancies for the current process period (i.e. the process period whose Application Closing Date most recently passed). One then displays a list of receivers with vacancies for the current process period and the NCYs in which those vacancies occur.
      • To continue with the routine, click the Continue button. One assumes that any bases without vacancy numbers do not have places available.
      • To close the dialog and cancel the routine, click the Cancel hyperlink. Cancelling the routine gives you the opportunity to set vacancy numbers for any bases that require them.
    • One checks any non-OAA receivers with vacancies for any existing preferences that have a status of Allocated, Accepted or Provisional.
      • If any such preferences are found, then One cancels the process and displays an error message reading: “Allocations already exist in Transfer Group, cannot run Make Offers”. Click the OK button to close the dialog.
      • You must change the status of any active Allocated, Accepted or Provisional preferences for non-OAA receivers that have vacancies before you can run Make Offers for an In Year transfer group.
    • One checks for any receivers that are in sub groups marked as Do Not Include In Offer Processing. Receivers in these sub groups are not included in either the Make Offers or Resolve Offers routines.
  2. One clears any existing offer statuses, except the statuses of offers that meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • The offer has a status of R (refused by LA).
    • The offer has a status of X (refused by parent).
    • The offer relates to an application with an external close of CLOS.

      Applications with a status of R or X, or an application status external code of CLOS, are not processed by the Make Offers routine for In Year transfer groups.

  3. One deletes any existing preferences for the transfer group's No Application and No Offer bases.
  4. One checks the dates of the applications. Applications meeting either of the following criteria are ignored by the routine:
    • Applications with a Place Required date that is after the Offer date for the selected process period.
    • Applications that were entered / received after the Application Closing Date.
  5. One adds any applications with no parental preferences to the No Application base, with a status of O (Offer).
  6. One offers places to the students, up to the vacancy number. Once this process is complete, you are left with a ranked list of students within each sub group. Students ranked within the vacancy number have a status of O (Offer), while students ranked outside of the vacancy number have a status of N (No Current Offer). The process of offering places runs as follows:
    1. Students are associated to receivers, based on the preference reasons shown on the Application Details screen.
    2. The students are sorted by the oversubscription criteria.
      One first sorts all students on the first criterion. Within each set of that first criterion, students are then sorted on the second criterion. Within each set of the second criterion, the students are then sorted on the third criterion, and so on until the students have been sorted by all the criteria defined for the group. Students are then sorted in sets of the last criterion by surname.
      During sorting, a rank is recorded for each processed preference at each Home LA school that is not an OAA receiver. This information is stored in the CHOICES.OFFER_RANK table.
    3. One carries out a gender check for each student.
      If the student's gender does not match that of the receiver, and the receiver is not an OAA school, then the student is given a status of R (Rejected) against that receiver. This does not apply to OAA schools, as OAA schools make their own decisions regarding student rankings. As such, One does not refuse places at OAA schools based on gender.
    4. One sorts the students applying to Edit Rank schools by rank.

      One sets the allocation status of any students in the unranked group (i.e. those students who are not in a priority group and are therefore unlikely to be offered a place) who have a preference for an Edit Rank school to R (Refused by Local Authority). These students do not have a One rank added on import, so there is no rank against the preference. Consequently, a place is not allocated.

      If the student is subsequently exported in an ALT file, then their allocation status is mapped to N (No current offer).

    5. One assigns a status of O (Offer) to those students ranked within the vacancy number, and a status of N (No Current Offer) to those students who are not ranked within the vacancy number.
  7. All In Year students who were processed by the Make Offers routine and have an application status mapped to an external code of PEND (Pending) have their application status updated to the internal code of PROC (Processing, offer to applicant not yet made). Students whose application statuses are not mapped to PEND are not affected.
  8. One displays a message indicating the number of students that were processed.