Feeder Receiver Process

The Feeder Receiver process creates a System Generated Preference (as opposed to a parental preference) for each student. These preferences enable you to report on the linked receiver to a student's current (feeder) school. This function helps with planning as it gives an indication of which school the student is likely to apply to.

The following conditions must be met before the Feeder Receiver process is run:

  • Feeders and receivers must be linked (via Bases | All Bases | Linked Bases).
  • The Use Feeder Link check box must be selected in the sub group details panel.

A Local Authority preference is created when the Feeder Receiver process is run. This preference is the receiver base linked to the student's current school within Bases | All Bases | Linked Bases. The new preference takes the System Generated Preferences Starting No. (configured via Transfer Group Details) as its preference number, unless the starting number has already been allocated to a preference for this student in the active transfer group. If the starting number is not available, then the preference takes the next available number.

The Feeder Receiver process takes into account the gender of the student. If a linked receiver has a single sex intake, then One only creates a preference for students with the matching gender.

System generated preferences created by this process have the LA reason Feeder Link ticked in Application Details | Preferences. If the student already had a preference recorded for this base, then a new preference is not created. However, the Local Authority reason Feeder Link is selected for the existing process.

Feeder Changes

When the Feeder Receiver process is run a check is carried out to compare the registered and feeder base of each student. If these bases do not match, then the feeder base is overwritten with the current registered base. If the current registered base is not a feeder for the transfer group, then it is added to the Tools | Module Administration | Transfer Groups | Choose Feeders list so that you can add it as a feeder for the transfer group if necessary.

If a student's registered base changes after the Student Selection process has been run but before allocation, the registered base is updated. The feeder base is not automatically updated, so the child retains their position within the transfer group. However, the student’s new registered base might not be a feeder for this transfer group, resulting in an incorrect allocation. The Update Feeder button on the Application Details enables you to correct this issue for a single student at a time.

Feeder Receiver Process Log

Any students who cannot be given a preference after the Feeder Receiver process has been run are added to the Process log.

You can search for a student in the log by typing all or part of that student’s name into the search box.

The list can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet.