Relocation Tab

This is available as a tab in All Students and as a section of the Application Details tab (where it is only available for In Year Applications). It provides details of any Relocation records for the selected student.

Any existing relocations for the student are shown at the top of this section. Note that the Schools Approached section is only enabled after a relocation has been saved.

Relocation Details

When you select a relocation record from the list, its details are displayed below. These records can be edited or deleted if you have suitable user rights. However, you can only delete a relocation if no schools have been approached.

Click Add Relocation to display the fields and add appropriate details for a new relocation record.

The Process Start Date, Reason for Relocation and Original School fields must be populated before the record can be saved. The Process Start Date defaults to the current system date but can be changed if required. The current registered base for the student is automatically shown in the Original School field. If the current registered base is not recorded, click the magnifying glass to select from a list of schools recorded in the student's school history record. The Reason for Relocation field is entered by selecting from a drop down list (Lookup Table ID 0460).

When you save a new Relocation record the Update School History window is opened, enabling you to update the student's school history record.

You can enter a leaving date into the Date Left field, if appropriate.

The Receiver School and Date Registered fields are display-only and show the new base name and date of registration. These fields show the new school details once the school history has been updated.

Update School History

This dialog is displayed when a relocation record is modified or created and the record is saved. It displays details of the Original School, showing the School Name, the End Date (this is copied from the Date Left field on the Relocation Details; it can be changed and this also changes the Date Left field on the Relocation Details) and a Reason for Leaving (Lookup Table ID 0356)( which must be completed before the school history can be updated). This reason is shown in the Select a Base browse, which lists only schools from the student's school history.

When you save the information the original school record for the student is updated. The registered, dual or guest flags ticked are deselected when the original school history is saved, even if the original school had them selected.

You must now enter a Reason for Joining (Lookup Table ID 0357) and Days per Week via the All Students | Student History tab.

Clicking Cancel does not update the student's school history record.

Schools Approached

The Schools Approached section is displayed once a relocation record has been saved. It enables you to record the schools that have been approached to take the student.

Highlight a relocation record to display a list of all the schools approached with related dates. The Approach records can be edited or deleted from this list. If more than one school has been approached for a relocation, these schools are listed in order of parental preference.

Clicking Add Approach enables you to enter details of a school to which an approach has been made to accept the student.

The name of the school is mandatory but all other fields in this section are optional. A Status field enables you to select an appropriate User Code (Lookup Table ID 0528) to record the outcome of each school approached. These codes are user defined and indicate such items as Rejected, Approved, etc. If necessary you can also select Parental Preference (Lookup Table ID 0461).

Although a Date Registered may have been entered for a student at a school, details of further schools approached for relocation may be entered if required (excluding date registered). Only one relocation school can have a Date Registered.