Edit Application Details

You can use the options in the Application Details tab to edit the details of the selected application. Some of the tab’s options are displayed on the summary panel, while some have their own expandable sections.

Click on the images below for an explanation of each section of the application details.

Application References

Applications can have two types of reference number: Home Local Authority (HLA) generated numbers and Other Local Authority (OLA) generated numbers. Applications can only have one HLA-generated number, but can have multiple OLA-generated numbers. An application reference is created automatically when an applicant’s preference (i.e. a preference that is not a system-generated preference) is added to One.

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Application references take the format LAN-YYYY-MM-N-999999, where:

  • LAN - Local Authority Number
    The Local Authority number for the authority that is receiving the application. For secondary applications (NCY 7 and above) this is the student’s home LA, while for primary applications (NCY 6 and below) it is the LA that maintains the school.
  • YYYY - Year
    The academic year of entry.
  • MM - Month
    For Normal Phased admissions this is the usual month of entry for that academic year (e.g. 09 for September entries). For In Year transfer groups this is the month in which the application was entered, plus 50. The addition of the number 50 is specified by the DfE as a method of distinguishing In Year applications from Normal Phased admissions).
    For example, if the Application Entered date was 01/02/2015 then the month component would be 02 + 50 = 52. If the Application Entered date was 10/11/2015 then the month component would be 11+50 = 61.
  • N - Method
    Indicates the origin of the application reference. Can be set to E (Online), K (Keyboard), or B (Batch). In year transfer group application reference numbers can be generated by manually adding preferences, by carrying over applications as part of the In Year Student Selection routine or by exporting an ATF file. In each case, the method of entry component is K.
  • 999999 - Serial
    A unique serial number. You cannot edit this field if you enter your own Local Authority’s LA number when adding a HLA-generated reference. In this circumstance, a serial number is automatically generated when the reference is saved.

Feeder School

If a student's current base changes after the Student Selection process has been run, but before allocation, then the student’s feeder base is not automatically updated. This ensures that the student retains their position within the transfer group.

However, the student’s new registered base might not be a feeder for their transfer group, thereby creating an incorrect allocation. The Update Feeder function enables you to correct this issue by updating the student’s current base.

Admission Address

The admission address is the address at which a student will be living when they attend their new school, and hence the address upon which eligibility calculations are usually based. However, there are some circumstances in which the admissions address is not used as the basis for calculation, for example in the case of returning Service or Crown Servant personnel. Admissions addresses are added to One when an application’s first parental preference is added, but can be changed if necessary.

You can choose whether to run the A&T processes on the basis of current correspondence address or admissions address for each transfer group by selecting the Use Admissions Address check box on Process | Transfer Groups | Basic Details.

Verify an Application

Verifying an application confirms that the application’s details (e.g. the student’s address and preference reasons) have been checked and confirmed. This is for information only and is not used by the offer processes.

Applicant Details

Applicant Details is a section of the Application Details tab. It displays the details of the person who made the selected application for the student, and the method by which they requested to be notified of the outcome of their application.

Set Address from Student

Click the Set Address from Student hyperlink to copy the student's correspondence address into the applicant address. If the applicant details have already been saved you are asked to confirm that you wish to overwrite the existing applicant address with the student's correspondence address.

If the student's correspondence address is subsequently changed, the address in the Applicant Details is not automatically updated. You can use Set Address from Student to update the applicant address if appropriate. Set Address from Student is not available if the student does not have a recorded correspondence address.

Alternatively, Search for an address.

In Year details

The In Year details section enables you to add additional information about an in year application, with particular regard to the following:

Click for detailsClick for details

Application Reasons

The Application Reason lookup does not have any seeded codes or external codes and is used for reporting purposes only.

The In Year Application Reason codes should be set up to help users to understand how they need to process applications.

For example, it is useful to be able to distinguish between applications where the child already has a school place locally but remains on a waiting list for other schools, and applications where the child would otherwise be without a place so needs to be found a place immediately (e.g. they have recently moved into the area or have been excluded). Your Local Authority may wish to record multiple reasons that fit into these two general categories.

Fair Access Panel

The available reasons are listed in the following table:


Lookup Description

Full Description, as in 2009 Code


Attends PRU, to be reintegrated

Children attending PRUs who need to be reintegrated back into mainstream education


Child is a Carer

Children who are carers


Child of Refugee or Asylum Skr

Children of refugees and asylum seekers


Disability or Medical Condit’n

Children with disabilities or medical conditions


Homeless child

Homeless children


Known to Police/Other Agency

Children known to the police or other agencies


Moved into area, no place

Children whose parents have been unable to find them a place after moving to the area, because of a shortage of places


No place/Serious attend issues

Children without a school place and with a history of serious attendance problems


Out of Education for > 1 term

Children who have been out of education for longer than one school term


Returning criminal justice sys

Children returning from the criminal justice system


SEN Child with no Statement

Children with special educational needs (but without a statement)


Service or Crown Servant Child

Children of UK service personnel and other Crown Servants


Traveller Child

Traveller children


Unsupportive family no place

Children with unsupportive family backgrounds, where a place has not been sought


Withdrawn after fixed excl

Children withdrawn from schools by their family, following fixed term exclusions and unable to find another place

The codes listed in this table are abbreviated descriptions of the Fair Access reasons that are included in Appendix 3 of the School Admissions Code 2009. All lookup descriptions are limited to 30 characters, hence the abbreviations, but can be added to or amended by each Local Authority.

Fair Access Panels give special consideration to In Year applications that meet one or more of the fair access criteria. This is to ensure that children who may be already disadvantaged in some way are not further disadvantaged through admissions processing. For example, a looked-after child seeking an In Year admission may be considered by the Fair Access Panel.
In some cases, the Fair Access Panel may decide to award a child a place at a school even if a vacancy does not exist (i.e. the school is over PAN). These cases are processed manually and are not part of the normal Make/Resolve Offers routines.

A combination of the Application Reason and the Fair Access Panel Reason may be helpful for management reporting. One does not automatically take into account In Year application reasons or Fair Access Panel reasons when processing records.

For example, if your Local Authority uses the Make Offers process for In Year applications and a child cannot currently be made an offer then that child is always given a preference for the No Offer base. You should examine the application reasons and Fair Access Panel information manually to see if a place needs to be found immediately.

Additional Details

The Additional Details section enables you to add additional information about an application, such as the date that the application was received and the council tax reference of the application address.

 Click for detailsClick for details

The available fields are:

  • Received Date
    The date that the form was received. Mandatory for In Year applications but optional for Normal Phased applications.
  • Entered Date
    The date that the form was entered. Mandatory for In Year applications but optional for Normal Phased applications. Completed automatically when an application is added via Add New Application, via an ADT file import from another LA or through the initial population of the In Year transfer group from the In Year Student Selection routine.
  • Time
    The time that the form was entered. Mandatory for In Year applications but optional for Normal Phased applications. Completed automatically when an application is added via Add New Application, via an ADT file import from another LA or through the initial population of the In Year transfer group from the In Year Student Selection routine.
  • Moving Date
    The date that the child is to move house (if applicable). A Moving Date without a Moving Address indicates that the child’s family is moving on a particular date but that no special processing should take place.
  • Moving Address
    The address that the child is to move to (if applicable).
  • Council Tax Reference
    Optional, maximum 30 characters. The council tax reference of the child’s address. Can be used as additional proof that the applicant’s address has been verified and that the LA sending the admissions is the home LA for the student. Exported in both Normal Phased and In Year ADT files.

    The Council Tax Reference is independent of the Verified tag. The Verified tag indicates that the LA has checked and validated that a pupil lives at the address shown.

  • Test Results
    The student's overall test score. See  for more information on how overall test scores are processed.

    This is a manually-entered field for information only and is not populated by the processes in Process | Transfer Groups | Tests.

  • Crown Servant / Returning Service
    Denotes that the child is from a Crown Servant or Returning Service family.
  • Address Verified
    Confirms to other Local Authorities or Other Admission Authority schools that the child’s address has been verified.
  • Multiple Birth
    Indicates that the child is a twin, triplet, etc. This information may be used when allocating places.
  • Pupil Premium
    Indicates that the child is or has been eligible for Free School Meals.

Withdrawal Details

The Withdrawal Details section enables you to view information relevant to the withdrawal of the application. This section has two parts:

  • From Procedure
    When selected, indicates that the student has withdrawn from their application.
  • From Test
    When selected, indicates that the student has withdrawn from the test part of the selection procedure, although their application is still active.


The Relocations section enables you to record relocation details and updates a student's School History accordingly. You can also use this area to record details of approaches to schools (to take relocated students) that have been made. This section is only displayed when you are viewing In Year applications.

The features included on the Relocations section also appear in the Relocation tab in Students | All Students.

Crown Servants/Returning Service Families

Children who are from Crown Servant (diplomatic) or Returning Service families are treated as special cases by Local Authorities. For these children, the future address, rather than the current address, is used when processing applications.