Resolve Offers

This routine on the Process | Transfer Groups | Students tab page resolves offers for the Home Local Authority and Other Coordinating Local Authority receiver bases. Resolve Offers aims to ensure that all students have an allocated (or provisionally allocated) place at one of their preference receivers (although this is not always possible).

The Make Offers routine must be run prior to running the Resolve Offers routine. An on-screen message tells you when Make Offers has been run successfully and the Resolve Offers button becomes active.

Resolve Offers may be run multiple times as ALT files (including In Year ALT files) are imported and exported during the Offer Scheme process.

The routine looks at preferences for home Local Authority bases as well as other coordinating Local Authorities. Where students have initial offers for more than one preference, (either as part of Make Offers or from information received from other coordinating Local Authorities) then Resolve Offers marks the lower preferences as Q (No Longer Required) and retains the offer for the highest available preference. One then looks to offer home LA receiver places that have been freed up by this process to the next ranked student on the list, and so on.

With the Resolve Offers routine having been run, only offers with the status P (Provisional), Q (No Longer Required) and Y (Allocated) are left within the PAN. A steady state is reached when there are no further changes in the allocation status codes and the ALT/In Year ALT file contains no students. The Final Allocations process can then be run.

Any records that have a status of R (Refused by Local Authority) or X (Refused by Parent) are not included in the Resolve Offers process.

Once Resolve Offers has been run at least once, the Publish Offer Information Online button becomes active (depending on your access rights). This process must be run in order to publish the offer information online for applications.