Two Year Old Funding
Introduction to Two Year Old Funding Administration
All of the following screens can be edited by the local authority via General Administration | Edit Resources.
As the pages are configurable by the local authority, the graphics below are examples only.
To make an application for two year old funding, the parent completes the following procedure:
- Select the Funded Early Education for Two Year Olds tile to display the Funded Early Education for Two Year Old Children page.
The page is divided into the following two sections:- ChildrenChildren whose age is covered by the funded early education for two year old children arrangements.
- ChildrenChildren whose age is outside of the scope of funded early education for two year old children.
The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | TYOFunding | Two Year Old Funding | EligibleChildrenTitleText and IneligibleChildrenTitleText.
- ChildrenChildren whose age is covered by the funded early education for two year old children arrangements.
- For an eligible child, click the Start new application link to display the Welcome page.
The Start Economic Claim button is now available for selection after Parental Responsibility has been changed from No to Yes in the Childs record.
The text for the above page is edited via:
w General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Provider Two Year Old Funding | Display Attribute_TaskCodeEconomicClaimHelp/DisplayAttributeTaskCodeNonEconomicClaim
w General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Provider Markdown | Economic ApplicationPanelContent/NonEconomicApplicationPanelContent. - Select from the following options:
- Economic applicationEconomic application
To apply for two year old funding on economic grounds, the parent follows the following procedure:
- Click the Start Economic Application button to display the Step 1 Personal Information page. This information is required by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to check whether the child is eligible for two year old funding.
A validation check has been introduced to prevent a Carer from being added that is under 16 e.g. too young to have a National Insurance Number and therefore too young to be assessed for entitlement to 2 year old funding
- Click the Continue button to display the Step 2 Summary page.
If required, click the Print this page button to print the Application Summary page. - Click the Continue button to display the Step 3 Give Consent page.
Select the check box to confirm that you have read and agree to the declaration.The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Markdown | Text Blocks | TYOFDeclaration.
- Click the Confirm button to display the Step 4 Results page.
The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Markdown | Text Blocks | TYOFEligibilityStatusFurtherInformation.
- Click the Finish button to return to the Home page. The application is displayed with the application status and reference number.
- Click the Start Economic Application button to display the Step 1 Personal Information page. This information is required by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to check whether the child is eligible for two year old funding.
- Non-economic applicationNon-economic application
To apply for two year old funding on non-economic grounds, the parent follows the following procedure:
- On the Welcome page, click the Start Non-economic Application to display the Non-economic Criteria Selection page.
The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Markdown | Text Blocks | TYOFNonEconomicQuestionsGuidanceText and TYOFDeclaration.
- Select the criterion which applies to the application.
Selecting a check box displays a text box enabling the parent to provide details to support their claim relating to the selected criteria.
Files can be attached as additional evidence. - Select the check box to confirm that you have read and agree to the contents of the application.
- Click the Submit button to display the Application Submitted page.
The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Markdown | Text Blocks | TYOFunding_NonEconomic Submitted / TYOFApplication Reference Heading | TYOFEligibilityStatusFurtherInformation.
- Click the Finish button to return to the Home page. The Two Year Old Funding application is displayed with the status and reference number.
- On the Welcome page, click the Start Non-economic Application to display the Non-economic Criteria Selection page.
- Responding to requestsResponding to requests
If the Local Authority requests further evidence or information to support an economic or non- economic funding claim, the provider or citizen can respond with the required information.
If the Local Authority has requested information or evidence, the status Applicant response requested is displayed on the application.
To reply to a request:
- Click on the View most recent application link to view the Messages on the Application Summary page.
- If required, enter the required evidence text.
- Click the + Add File button to upload attachments as required.
- Click the Reply button to send the information to the Local Authority and update the status to Submitted.
- Click on the View most recent application link to view the Messages on the Application Summary page.
- Economic applicationEconomic application
- If required, you can click the View most recent application link to see the Application Summary details.
Requesting Help
If the parent, carer or guardian has any questions regarding their application, they can request help from the local authority.
Clicking the Request Help button displays information on how the parent can contact the local authority.
They can attach files that they feel would help with their application. They can specify the method they would like to be contacted by. They can also give the local authority permission to complete a Funded Early Education for Two Year Old application on their behalf.
The text for the above page is edited via General Administration | Edit Resources | Resource Configuration Title | Two Year Old Funding | RequestHelpHeaderText and RequestHelpMessageText and RequestHelpLAPermission and RequestHelpAttachmentText and RequestHelpLAContact.