Availability and Capacity

Information about when the service is available, the age ranges accepted, capacity, vacancies and waiting list can be updated by the provider.

When changes are submitted, if email feedback is enabled in the Self Update General Configuration, an email is sent to the email address specified. For more information, see Configuring the Self Update Portal

To view, add or update the current availability and capacity details held for the service:

  1. View the basic details for the service and select the Availability and Capacity tab.

  1. To view, add or updateadd or update opening dates, click the link for the required record to display the Opening Dates, Opening Times and Opening Times Exceptions.

    To update existing opening dates:

      1. If required, select the Opening Times or Opening Times Exceptions tab.
      2. Make changes to the current information.
      3. Click the Submit button.

    Add a new Opening Date:

    1. Click the Add Opening Date button to display the Opening Dates tab.
    2. Enter a Description and a Start Date.
    3. If required, enter an End Date.
    4. If required, enter Comments for Local Authority.
    5. Click the Submit button.

    The Pending changes icon is displayed on the tab and next to the fields that have been changed. The Clear All button is displayed to enable the submitted changes for this item and all associated records to be cleared.

    Add new opening times for the opening date:

    1. Select the Opening Times tab.
    2. Click the Add Opening Times button to display the New opening times page.
    3. Enter the opening times for this opening date.
    4. Click the Submit button.

    The updated fields are highlighted, and the Pending changes icon is displayed on the tab and next to the fields that have been changed. The Clear button is displayed to enable the submitted changes to be cleared.

    If required, add exceptions to the opening times for this opening date:

    1. Select the Opening Times Exceptions tab.
    2. Click the Add Opening Times Exception button to display the New opening times exceptions screen.
    3. Enter the opening times exceptions for this opening date.
    4. Click the Submit button.

    The updated fields are highlighted, and the Pending changes icon is displayed on the tab and next to the fields that have been changed. The Clear button is displayed to enable the submitted changes to be cleared.

    Guidance text can be configured to display on specific screens so that Local Authority administrators can give instructions to help providers when they are submitting changes for approval.

  1. To view the information held about the number of weeks and when the service is available, select the Availability tab. To update availability, enter the required information and click the Submit button.

  1. To view details about the minimum and maximum ages and funding status for each age group at the service, select the Age Range tab. To update the age range, enter the required information and click the Submit button.

  1. To view numbers on the waiting list, vacancies and capacity for each age range at the service, select the Capacity Details tab. To update the capacity, make changes to the current information or add a new Age Rangeadd a new Age Range, if required and click the Submit button.

    If required, to add a new age range:

    • Click the Add Age Range button.
    • Select an Age Range from the drop-down.
    • Enter the capacity details for the new age range.
    • Click the Create button.
    • Click the Submit button.

    The updated fields are highlighted, and the Pending changes icon is displayed on

    the tab next to the fields that have been changed. The Clear button is displayed

    to enable the submitted changes to be cleared.

  1. To view/updateupdate the information currently held about whether the service can be contacted for vacancy details, whether there are immediate vacancies and whether there is a waiting list at the service, select the Vacancies tab.

    To update the information about vacancies, including contacting the service about vacancies and whether the service has a waiting list:

    • If required, select or deselect the check boxes and enter comments.
    • Click the Submit button.

    The updated fields are highlighted, and the Pending changes icon is displayed on

    the tab next to the fields that have been changed. The Clear button is displayed

    to enable the submitted changes to be cleared.

Refer to: Clear submitted changes to clear submitted changes.
Guidance text can be configured to display on specific screens so that Local Authority administrators can give instructions to help providers when they are submitting changes for approval.