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Configure Two Year Old Funding

The Local Authority (LA) can configure the following areas for two year old funding:

General Two Year Old Funding

The Local Authority (LA) can set the parameters for accepting two year old funding applications. To set the parameters:

  1. Select Provider Portal | Home | Two Year Old Funding | Configure Two Year Old Funding to display the Two Year Old Funding Configuration page.

  1. Select the relevant configuration values.

Configuration Key

Configuration Value

Restrict two year old funding applications to a set number of weeks before the child’s funding starts

On or Off

The number of weeks to restrict two year old funding applications

The default is 6

A comma separated list of file extensions accepted as evidence for applications

jpeg, bmp, gif, doc, docx, pdf etc

Allow ECS check for second applicant

On or Off

Allow applications from applicants not currently within your LA?

Allow applications from applicants not currently within your LA who plan to move within it

Allow applications regardless of where the child lives

Restrict applications to residents of this LA

Request Help message template


No message template selected


Approved two year old funding placement

Rejected two year old funding placement

Two year old funding voucher with second applicant

Two year old funding voucher moving application with second applicant

Two year old funding voucher late moving application with second applicant

Two year old funding help requested

Two year old funding voucher late moving application

Two year old funding  voucher moving application

Two year old funding ineligible application

Two year old funding voucher

Second applicant voucher template



2 year old funding moving into voucher template for second applicant



2 year old funding late moving voucher template for second applicant

2 year old funding placement UDF field name

The name of the UDF that was set up in the v4 Client via Tools | Administration | UDF Management

Eligible under 20% criteria Basis Funding Code

Lookup table ID: 1180

Eligible under 40% criteria Basis Funding Code

Reply Format

Evidence Text On or Off
Attach Evidence On or Off

Request Help - Allow Attachments

On or Off

  1. Click the Save button.

Configure UDFs for Two Year Old Funding

UDFs enable you to add extra fields to accommodate data items that One does not store. UDFs are created against entities, for example Student Details.

UDFs are set up in the v4 Client via Tools | Administration | UDF Management.

The UDFs below need to be created for Two Year Old Funding:

  • Application Reference Number
  • Second Applicant Details
  • Placement Reference Number.