MoJ GPS Monitoring Requirements

The guidance below is to support Youth Justice users with the data capture of GPS Monitoring Requirements in key areas of the software including:

The YJB have confirmed that this data will have no immediate impact on the current data recording guidance or statutory returns.


Contacts, Outcomes and Enforcement Actions should be captured as Events as per usual practice. Users are encouraged to utilise the Failure to Comply (FTC) count and automatic breach process to assist with enforcement decision making.

Where possible, users should stipulate GPS Monitoring violations in Event Notes. The violations below have been provided by the MoJ:

  • Curfew Violation
  • Exclusion Zone Violation
  • Strap Tamper
  • Battery Depletion
  • Appointment Attendance Failure

Outcomes including Attendance, Acceptable Reason and Compliance are captured as part of the Events as usual.