B2B – Changes to import of Attendance to support latest SIMS API (3.77)

Description The following changes have been made to support the latest version of the SIMS API so that users are not exposed to the risk of the SIMS API being de-supported. Users can select to import attendance data for specific NCYs to prioritise data imports. Users can select to import attendance data for Academic Years as well as Unauthorised absences. […]

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B2B – SIMS API Base credentials and B2B System Parameters (3.77)

Description Although present in this release, this functionality is in preparation for a feature update to implement B2B APIs and is currently non functional. API Settings Previously the SIMS API Settings had to be manually populated once the SIMS API tickbox was ticked. System defaults A new set of system parameters has been introduced so that the fields can be […]

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Attendance – SQL Script to delete duplicate attendance data in bulk for LA’s (3.76)

Description A SQL script is available to delete duplicate attendance data in bulk. Script to manage delete duplicate attendance data on mass for LA’s. The script will: Identify and correct all duplicate student attendance records so that a student has a single attendance record for school / academic year combination Produce a summary output for any duplicate student attendance information […]

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B2B – Data Items added to SIMS8 and SIMS Primary data transfer files (3.76)

Description SIMS Primary Student and Carer GUIDs added to SIMS Primary files as follows:   SIMS8 Grounds for Removal added to the transfer file as follows: (for example) <SchoolHistory> <School> <LEA> </LEA> <Estab> </Estab> <SchoolName> </SchoolName> <EntryDate> </EntryDate> <LastSchool> </LastSchool> <LeavingDate /> <RemovalGrounds>B</RemovalGrounds> <EnrolStatus> </EnrolStatus>

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Attendance – New Covid-19 Related Extended Absence Codes for England (3.74)

Description The DfE has requested that new attendance subcodes are made available for schools to use. So that Local Authorities can take advantage of the additional granularity of reasons provided by the new codes at a pupil level for their local analysis to support covid-19 measures, the 3-character codes used in schools will be translated into single character codes for […]

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