Applications Page

The Applications page of A&T Back Office enables you to view past applications, view and edit current applications, add new applications manually and manage student details.

All functions on the Applications page are dependent on your user rights, as defined in the One v4 Client via Tools | Permissions | User Group Processes.

Select an Application

A&T applications can be selected using the Students | Applications and Students | All Students pages. Once you have selected an application, One displays the Application Details and Student History tabs in the right-hand panel. A summary of student details and past applications is displayed at the top of the right-hand panel. Depending on the stage of the application, the Appeals, Application History and Preference History tabs might also be displayed.

If you have suitable access rights, a link to the full student details is displayed. You can use this link to change the displayed details or view additional information.

Via Students | Applications Via Students | All Students

Unimported Applications

If the selected student has applications that have been either submitted or resubmitted but have not yet been imported, then a notification banner is displayed at the top of the Application Details panel.

If the student only has one non-imported application, then clicking on this notification opens that application’s details in a dialog. If the student has more than one non-imported application, then clicking on the notification displays a dialog listing the applications.

If required, use the View Application links to view full application details.

One does not display a notification dialog for non-imported applications that are marked as ‘not requiring import’.

Clone an Application

Cloning applications enables you to copy Applicant Details, In Year Details, Additional Details, Preferences, Preference Reasons and Siblings information from one student record to another. This function is generally used when a parent/carer fills out duplicate application forms for several children as part of a joint In Year application (because they have several children of similar age who they want to attend the same school).

You cannot clone an application to a student who already has an application with associated preferences for the selected transfer group. However, you can clone an application to a student who already has an application but no preferences. In this case, the cloned details are added to the student’s pre-existing application and the Application History is updated.

Clone Application is only available for In Year applications.

List of Data Copied When an Application is Cloned

Applicant Details All Applicant Details are copied.
In Year Details The following In Year Details are not copied:
  • Application Status
  • Application Entered Date
  • Application Received Date
  • Fair Access Panel check box value
  • Fair Access Panel Reason
  • Fair Access Panel Decision
All other In Year Details are copied, including memos. The Application Status for the new application is set to Pending.
Additional Details The Test score is not copied.

The following Additional Details are copied:
  • Council Tax Ref
  • Crown Servant/Returning Service value
  • Moving Date
Preference Records Preference records are copied across to the cloned application, except for any system generated preferences. As such, all copied preferences are parental preferences.

  • The Admissions Address field is populated with the current correspondence address (if one exists).
  • If a Home Local Authority has been recorded for the student, then an Application Reference is generated.
Sibling Information All Sibling records linked to the original application are copied. If one of the siblings is the student to whom the cloned application is being added, then that student is not added as a sibling. One compares the forename, surname, date of birth and gender of the two students. If all match, then the sibling record is not copied.
Preference Related Information The following preference related information is not copied:
  • Offer status
  • Distance
  • Public Care
  • Care Authority
  • Catchment
  • Address Verified
  • Applicant Response
  • Supporting Text
  • Online
The following preference related information is copied:
  • All applicant and Local Authority reasons not mentioned in the previous list
  • Specialist Schools
  • Preference Memo
  • Other Details Memo
  • Special Reasons Memos.
Other fields completed during the Clone process The following fields are also completed during the Clone process. These fields are not updated if the student already had an application for the selected transfer group but no preferences, as it would not have been necessary to create a new application for them in this case.
  • Feeder School: this is the feeder base of the student for whom the application is being created.
  • Application Entered: the date and time that the cloned application was added.
  • UID: the unique application reference is created for the new application as the student is added to the transfer group.


More information:
Managing Permissions